What is your drive may I ask? What is your motivation to finish a task? Is it to feel good and keep up the mask. And just do it by rote like Jack does at dusk. Or is there something more strong driving you from within. The force that helps to get every win. Just […]
Latest Posts
Qi : A short poem
What is my Qi I asked myself, Is it the key to find myself? Love, Positivity and the sunshine of Trust, It’s all the Qi that I need to be robust. I try to think, create and energize to make the most of the day, Never putting my Qi aside at bay. Starting the New […]
Plans for 2025
Plans have a habit of being made and changed,But without a plan you are sure to be derailed.For the new year I have many a plans framed,Share three personal and three creative they said. Plan one two and three involves health wealth and love you may say,And the creative plans are fun activities for the […]
Feel: A short poem People remember you by how you make them feel. So be kind and always share the goodwill. A smile, a hello or a wave are the real seals. Even though it may not seem to be a great deal. A kind gesture maybe the focus of the days upheaval. Let that […]
Why: A short poem Why is a word that often makes me sigh, Am I really here and not there, I wonder why? Why should I have to be pleasant when all I want to do is cry? The heart can not bear the blows just as the mind will defy. Destiny takes its own […]
Realization: A short poem Life flows by like a river without a dam,Everyone busy with to-do lists to cram,Be it work or hobbies galore,Time is limited in this life’s shore. Busy where they in ticking all on the list,But a few temporal wormholes got lost in the Mist.By the time they realized the emptiness and […]
Cherry Blossoms and 5 minute walks
Short 5 to 15 minute walks have become an integral part of my life in the past six months. Since I spend most of the day in the office sitting, the short walks are a savior. I must admit that I am blessed with a very beautiful office campus in the scenic city of Shillong […]
When Whales Walked!
The Eureka Moment Okay Folks! This post is in continuation with my Me’gong post and is about how we found a whales fossil in Meghalaya. While carrying out our scientific project work in Garo Hills for the session 2023-24, me and my project partner(also my life partner) Ginia made a significant discovery of a vertebrate […]
Books and Me
Books have been an integral part of me from a very young age. I remember when I was in Primary School I was in total awe of my elder sister , Didi’s books. She was always immersed in some book or the other. If I asked her anything, she would answer after about 5 minutes. […]
Gossip: An evolutionary and philosophical take
Gossip: An evolutionary tool Did you know that gossip is an evolutionary up gradation tool? And here we were always taught from our school days that gossiping is a bad thing! I sometimes feel as if I just can’t trust any of the things we have grown up believing in!In the books “Sapiens”, Yuval Nova […]
Baked Mini Cheesecake
Baked Mini Cheesecake recipe 🤤😋. As the Marvelous Mrs Maisel once said during a strenuous pilates session….“Q: Why do we exercise?A: So we can eat cheesecake! “But cheesecake can create real havoc with your waist line. So the best way is eat baked mini cheesecake which you just pop into your mouth and it’s over! […]
TV series saviour:The Big Bang Theory
Ever since OTTs have made their entry into the entertainment business, its more of a headache to choose what to watch. We end up wasting more time in choosing what to watch rather than actually watching it. This, added with contrasting choices in viewing have limited the no. of series/ movies we watch together. Now […]
Meghalaya Memories: Cherrapunji Weekend Trip
I have a very interesting history of my trips to Shillong in the North eastern state of Meghalaya. It started from way back in 2011, which was my first trip with friends. Then in 2023, it was destiny that brought me back to Shillong on transfer. This time it was to stay and make our […]
A ‘Wet’ Picnic
The title “Wet Picnic” says it all!! It was one of the rainiest, wettest Meghalaya we ever saw since we moved here. My rakhi sister, who happens to be my college junior as well as office colleague for 15 years was visiting with her family. Her husband, a genius was also in my college, but […]
Eternal Sunshine
Eternal Sunshine Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind,How I miss those days we left behind,When everything was rosy and gold lined,The heart was buoyant with little joys well defined. In those days the pleasures of Life were limited but simple,A new book to read brought smiles with dimples,A Chocolate bar to share, oh we would […]
Ragi Bread recipe
“Is Ragi Bread good for you? ” asked no one ever! Ragi also known as finger millet is a healthy superfood and is one of my most favourite millets. Ragi flour is a dark brownish red coloured flour which has a nutty and smoky flavour. It can be used to make rotis, cheelas, pancakes, porridge, […]
Magnolia Dreams: A Haiku
Magnolia blooms bright,The city, bursts with colors,Me, a happy soul. This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024
Krang Shuri Falls Day Trip
By virtue of our job as geologists, we now stay in the Scotland of the East a.k.a Shillong. Meghalaya other than hosting the rainiest place in the world can also be easily given the crown of the waterfall capital of India! So never the one to miss out, recently we went on a day trip […]
Hope Leaves
Hope Leaves making me empty and jaded, Joy becomes elusive and dead ended. Life dealt a deadly blow not once but twice in a row. How to be happy again I really don’t know. The grief is excruciating as it cannot be shown,Suffer in silence as to nobody your pain is known. The truth is […]
June flowers
It’s the first day of June today,With new flowers in the garden way,A gerbera, a gazinia, a plumbago and a pretty rose with a sway.All giving joy in their own pretty way. With June here so soon I pray,We can soon see the sunshine through the dark cloudy greys…Our flowers will hold our hands all […]
Why I say Organic?
Organic food in India Organic food is produce that is grown without the use of any synthetic chemical fertilisers and pesticides. However organic food in India is a really dicey ball game. I personally find it very difficult to trust food that we consume and social media has made things worse. This is because the […]
Duality : A short poem
Duality is best dealt with a smile,However try to stay away at least a mile,Otherwise the duality will make you fascimile,And taint you with toxic tentacles till you rile. The Dual ones can never be trusted,They are moving lies that need to be busted,Never be friends with anybody who is dual,They can spoil your faith […]
Don’t let anyone clip your wings,Swat them away while you sing,Your wings will carry you to your dreams,Care for them even when struggling upstream. Some may slyly snip at your wings,And it may take a while to realize the clippings,But be bold and soar like a kite,All the while saving your wings from the mites. […]
Beach:A short poem I dreamt of a beach, The sea was just out of my reach,I was sleeping calmly in the sand,In peace with no worries in hand. The Waves ebbing and flowing very near me, Sea water barely reaching below my knee.I woke up suddenly trembling in fear,The salt water had crept up and […]
Dont listen
Don’t listen to that voice,Its there just to make empty noise,The voice is known to lie often,Be sure not to let your heart soften. Carry on with your work with joy,Ignore the voice as if it’s a petulant boy,It may try to deter you from your peace,Swat at the voice and don’t let it tease. […]
A gaping void fills the insides,The void is home to grief like tides,If not grief then fear is ready to ride,The stormy waves shearing the heart alongside. The what ifs can take a really hard toll ,It will make you doubt yourself and your role,Don’t lets the lies get to you and push you into […]
Zeal: A short poem Never give up on your zeal for life,Be focussed and heal from the strife,Your zeal will help you win the prize,Be it gold or a metaphorical high five. I once knew a girl full of zeal and tenacity,She excelled in all her tasks with veracity.One day she was beaten down and […]
Yes: A Haiku. Say yes to cheer n joy,Strong No to darkness and fear,Spread stardust of hope. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the Y post.
Xyster : A Haiku Pain from a dark void,Inflicted by a xyster?A phantom red wound. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the X post.
Wish : A short poem Make a wish with all your heart,Be sure to tap into your soul and create lots of art,Make a wish and never cease to wonder,Be bold and focused without surrender.Make a wish and whisper it to the air,Just wait for it to make its way back to you fair and […]
Vision : A Haiku I saw a vision,Dazzle in the stormy sky,Rainbow with a pot of gold. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the V post.
Unleash the power within with deep ruminations, Never fear the forces that hold back your wins and celebrations, Ignore the lies on their lips and kick them in the shins with a fierce retribution. Be a force to be reckoned with and just go for the win with deep concentration! Unleash your desires with deep […]
Tears after watching a ‘Reel’
Sharing a weird story with you all which happened with me recently. I was casually scrolling down on instagram reels at the airport, irritated since our flight got delaaa……..aayed. ( Hey Spicejet, Shame on you!! Leave airline business and sell panipuri. People will bless you. ) Okay, the reel showed a playful golden retreiver waiting for […]
Signs : A Haiku Signs from the aether,Just open your mind’s eye,Win (the) Golden ticket. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the S post.
Moth to a flame,Rekindle an inferno,A phoenix rising. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the R post.
Quest – A Haiku Quests are endless,Give it your best and rest,Reward is a rainbow. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the Q post.
Phuchka love
Samosa, biryani, phuchka are some of my most favourite food items. Relocating to Shillong from Kolkata owing to profession had created a hiatus so far in terms of these yummy food stuff. Whereas Shillong has its own unique charm, and has unparalleled natural beauty, it is nowhere near when it comes to food of Kolkata. […]
Over it
Just get over it and bounce right back,Don’t harp too much and make the glass crack,Why can’t you just get over it as fast as a quark,Like I did,as if it’s just a walk in the park. Get over it even if you are left without a hearts spark.Don’t say you can’t because it’s a […]
No, I am not sad, is what I say,No, It’s just a phase which will go away,No, Don’t talk about it at all I pray,No, Hearing its common does not drive the pain away.No, I will never let you know how I broke down everyday,No, You will only see the smiling me ready to slay.No, […]
Me-gong is a flower which grows abundantly in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya. The biodiversity of Garo hills is highly diverse in terms of botanical importance which are less studied I,myself, hailing from adjacent state, Assam have not yet seen many plant varieties and saw most of them for the first time. I will share […]
I wander lost through the labyrinth of my mind,Reminding to love myself and be kind,Self love can take me far and leave the anguish behind,So even when I feel lost, I always try to find,Meaning from the mundane tasks that help to bind,The heart to the soul and the brain to the mind,Finding so many […]
Kindred souls are rare to come by,If you find one never bid goodbye,Life goes on and time can fly,But Kindred souls never break tie. Life is tough, lonely and can make you cry,Do find a friend who will be there to stand by,Even if you can’t always share and feel shy,A kindred souls will always […]
Just a Moment
Just a moment can you please stop,Can we talk for a few moments at tops,Sharing my thoughts helps like a mop,To clear away the cobwebs in the minds shop. Without a proper heart to heart, the emotions go flop,Even though I am the quiet type I like to talk it out to set the heart’s […]
I waded through the treacle like depths of my thoughts,Trying to make sense of the illusions they brought,Why am I here and what do I sought?Trying to find answers to all the questions making me fraught.Are my shivers from the fear or is it just a draught?I feel deeply scared and my nerves are really […]
Haunted House
There once was a house which was Haunted,Seeing it from afar you would be daunted,I had a friend who was passing by the house and just fainted,Maybe it was something in the air that was tainted? The lady of the house was a witch some people taunted,Buts its difficult to know now for sure as […]
This Grief is something very personal they say,But how can one survive alone and keep the tears at bay?Without an outlet for this Grief the mind might go astray,Things might never go back to normal and life may begin to fray. Grief with all its propaganda can drive your inner child away,Don’t be afraid to […]
There was once a fire that was always burning bright,But nowadays the fire has turned into a dimmed light,In its days the fire would never give up without a fight,Maybe it needs some help when things are getting a bit tight…. But fire being fire can’t ask for help outright,So it fights with the wood […]
I prayed and prayed that it’s an error,Maybe a machine or even a human error,It was so difficult to accept that maybe it’s not an error,But still I prayed, God, please God let it be an error….. I tried everything to console the heart in a constant state of terror,Maybe I can even manifest an […]
Dreams are what keeps us going strong,Without them we are like birds without song,Dreams help to keep the inner child alive for long,They provide the energy to play along, Dreams are followed by hope like the other end of a prong,Without hope we can barely sing along,Dreams and hope , side by side , go […]
Create when you feel happy and high,From your heart’s deepest stimuli,Create when you feel sad and want to cry,Pursue the creations to help your brainwaves intensify.Create because that’s what can help to justify,All the mundane stressors of daily life that petrify,Create even if no one cheers for you to fly,Just be your own biggest cheerleader […]
Even though it’s tough to breathe,You have to be your best self and turn up with your teeth,Fixed in a smile even if you can’t breathe,Cause the show must go on whether you can or can’t breathe. But remember you have to be stoic and take a deep breath,And don’t forget to hold on to […]
Away in the breeze,The thoughts flow and then freeze,The anguish is always ready to seize,However much I try to flee and desist. Time will take it’s due course everyone says,It has happened to us too in our days,Hearing that never helps to heal the minds gray,I constantly find myself stumbling along the cobwebs and strays. […]
International Women’s Day 2024 #Inspire Inclusion
I will start by wishing all the lovely ladies a very happy International Women’s Day ❤️. There is a detailed post on when and how IWD celebrations started here and you can go through it to know more. Recently we watched a movie called Laapata Ladies which seems to fit perfectly into the theme of […]
Flowers of Shillong:Part 1
Persian Buttercups and Camellia japonica The exotic plants of Shillong keep surprising me every month. In February, it’s the turn of Persian Buttercups and Camellia japonica flowers to mesmerize and fill the heart with cheer and warmth.Yellow, white, pink, red, orange, peach, magenta….name the colour and the Buttercups are ready with it!Most of the Camellia […]
Veggie Lentil Soup Recipe
Veggie Lentil Soup RecipeLentils or Dal is a staple in our household. My husband and brother in law are both avid dal lovers and need their lentils with every meal. So you can imagine the sheer necessity to come up with different versions of the same base ingredients to keep our meals as exciting as […]
Take it slow
What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time? During my leisure time I enjoy taking things very slow. Listening to some favourite music, reading a book are some of the things I enjoy doing during the slow leisurely phases…
Five Things I do for fun
List five things you do for fun. Reading Writing Baking for loved ones Gardening Researching about new topics that catch my fancy!
Gardening in 2023
Gardening in 2023: A pictorial blog The year 2023 has been one full of extreme ups and downs.Throughout all the highs and lows the love quotient has always been high.I am grateful for all the love that we received and returned from and to the special people in our lives. I am grateful for our […]
5 minute miracle
I practice this 5 minute miracle technique of getting mentally relaxed before getting into the day’s grind esp. when there is a hectic day ahead. This started sometime in 2019 at a hotel(resort) I was staying at during my official field trips. The suite room in the resort had a wonderful seating and study space […]
Parallel Universe of no sleep
If you didn’t need sleep, what would you do with all the extra time? Parallel universes are fun. They help me let my imagination run totally wild. I am sure there is one parallel universe in which I dont need sleep. Now what would I do with all the extra time. I would read more […]
Pet Peeves
Name your top three pet peeves. I have a pretty long list of pet peeves. Amongst them here are the top three… Keeping the bathroom door open… people pleasing. People pleasing…… Nit-picking..over perfectionism in everything…
Do you trust your instincts? The very essence of instinct is that it’s followed independently of reason.— Charles Darwin Instincts are our innate knee jerk reaction to a situation without any deliberation on contemplation. It can be described as something as simple as reaching out for food from the kitchen. Or it can be called […]
December dreams
What’s your favorite month of the year? Why? If anybody asks me this question ” What’s your favourite month of the year? and Why?” my answer is very prompt. Without any doubt it’s December. Now what’s special about December? What are December dreams made of? Glitter and shine and everything fine! December for me is […]
First Impressions
What’s the first impression you want to give people? First Impressions. According to Wikipedia,a first impression is the mental image a person forms of another person after their first encounter. When Jetpack gave this prompt today, it really got me thinking. What’s the first impression you want to give people? Do I really want to give […]
Happy Place by Emily Henry
What book are you reading right now? The book that I am reading right now is Happy Place by Emily Henry. The theme of the Happy Place centres around Harriet and Wyn, a couple who have broken up. They are forced to go on a vacation to their “Happy Place” with their besties who dont […]
The exercise conundrum
What part of your routine do you always try to skip if you can? I usually try to skip working out from my routine 😝. There will be months when I am sweating daily by walking on the treadmill, pilates and yoga. And then there will be days when I turn into a certified couch […]
Money Games
We were watching Lara Croft, Tomb Raider on Netflix that day. Lara and her cohorts were on the search of Pandora’s Box and other priceless treasures by using extraneous measures.Gravity defying dare devilish jumps followed by near super humanish tolerance to pain and violence forms the core of these stunts in the movie, enacted very […]
Wedding bells
How does it feel to be your own wedding planner? Its feels great. Wedding bells were round the corner for us when we finally managed to converge in our respective families. Ours was an extra special one followed by small reception where our families, dear friends and well wishers were present. Paperwork/formalities It officially started […]
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be, The futures not ours to see…The song Que sera sera by Doris Day is one of my favourite songs. And the meaning, what will be will be is a main philosophy of my life. Unfortunately there are certain situations and life experiences that make it extremely difficult to always keep […]
The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood, Book Review
One of the recent books that I read, is The Edible Woman by my favourite author, Margaret Atwood. I bought this book from a new bookstore, Bahrisons book sellers in Park Street, Kolkata. I love to read Margaret Atwood books. The Handmaid’s Tale is an iconic book by Margaret Atwood, that you may read if […]
Yummiest Chocolate Banana Loaf Cake
I had two overripe blackened bananas and was wondering how to use them up. A favorite neighborhood café of ours, Roastery serves a very yummy banana square that we both enjoy a lot. So I thought, why not bake a banana loaf cake a.k.a banana bread. But I wanted it to be chocolaty too. So […]
Zebra crossing, traffic signals and more
This post is about a daily mundane activity-driving to office every morning. I love driving and consider it as a fun activity. But, traffic/ road conditions in kolkata can make you feel otherwise. There are multiple routes to our office. We often drive through the same route everyday. So, the route, traffic signals, zebra crossings got […]
Xeric and Exotic Kutch
I consider myself to be blessed in many quarters. I could visit the xeric and exotic land called Kutch twice in two years. Its my job as a geologist that is to be thanked for this opportunity. The best part is I did not roam the barren and salty desert beauty just as a tourist. […]
Ode to kindred spirits
This post is an ode to the kindred spirits who make the foundation of my tiny circle of trust and love. Being a loner, I have very select friends and acquaintances with whom I can really be myself. All our life events play an important role in shaping our personalities. I realised many things about […]
South Goa Tales (Goa Part 4)
We had a very nice time in North Goa. A friend of mine along with his family joined us the day we were to go to South Goa.He is my college/ hostel-mate. His name is Jyotirmoy and his better half Poulami. They are fun people and make a cute couple. We have gone for several […]
Relief Sun Beauty of Joseon sunscreen review
I recently succumbed to a midnight skincare shopping spree. A force inside me made me buy this trending Beauty of Joseon sunscreen from my favourite Korean skincare website, Maccaron.com.According to their website,” Relief Sun with Rice and probiotics is a lightweight and creamy organic sunscreen that feels comfortable on skin. Even if you apply a […]
Unbelievably Tasty Desert Basbousa
I made this unbelievably tasty desert Basbousa for Eid this year at home. Usually we go to hubbys hometown to celebrate but this year Eid celebration was at home and I had to make something special. Basbousa is a native Egyptian and a traditional middle Eastern sweet cake dessert that is relatively easy to make […]
Places to eat in Goa
We all love to eat.. don’t we? Travelling is not complete without experiencing local food. Here, I will quickly review a few amazing places to eat in Goa where we had amazing gastronomic experiences. Local cuisine says a lot about the culture and essence of a place and it is unique. The wife had put in […]
Vanilla Cashew Heart cake
I made this vanilla cashew heart cake for Valentines Day this year. Ingredients 2 eggs½ cup almond milk(50ml)½ cup condensed milk(50 ml)3/4 cup butter( 75 ml)1.5 cup APF½ cup cashew powderVanilla extractBaking vinegar ½ tspBaking powder 1 ½ tsp Method for Vanilla Cashew Heart cake Beat the eggs until frothy.Add in condensed milk + butter […]
Mugwort in Skincare
I first time heard about the weed named Mugwort during my Harry Potter bookathon days in my teenage years. I never imagined then that I would be writing about Mugwort and its magical benefits in skincare. Mugwort benefits for face skincare This magical herb is nowadays making a strong appearance in Korean skincare. It helps […]
Jackpot skincare serums
Skincare is a longtime passion of mine. As I am blessed with very sensitive skin, I am extremely careful regarding the actives and skincare serums that I use in my routine. Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C, collagen peptides, niacinamide and a few mild AHA’s like lactic acid are the actives that my skin can tolerate as […]
North Goa Beaches- Goa Part 2
Goa- Part 1 I am back with our Goa story and let me take you all to a virtual tour of North Goa which is apparently the most happening place in Goa. North Goa has a lot to offer. Different types of beaches like sandy beach, sandy-rocky beach, rocky beach, beach with river mouth (Estuarine […]
“Local Guide” from lonely in a crowd
Lonely in a crowd “Alone is how she feels, alone is how she’ll always be. You’re used to solitude, she tells herself. Be a stoic.”…..Margaret Atwood This post is about my journey from being lonely in a crowd to a local guide on google maps.As far back as I remember, I have loved my own […]
In pursuit of Happiness-A Paradox
What is the pursuit of happiness? The paradoxical feeling called happiness intrigues me a lot. In this context, I am not a happiness ‘guru’ nor am I here to give life lessons. What is happiness? How happy are we all? Why do people run after it? Do people actually get it? These are some of […]
Korean 7 Skin Method
How do Koreans get perfect skin? I have always been skeptical about using toners on my skin. Before K- beauty came into my life, toners were synonymous with alcohol content. That really put me off as my skin is very sensitive. But then the alcohol free Korean watery toners came into my life. They turned […]
Healthy Olive oil chocolate cupcakes
Ingredients for Healthy Olive oil chocolate cupcakes Method for Healthy Olive oil chocolate cupcakes Beat the eggs till frothy. Add in the olive oil slowly to get a creamy/silky texture of the eggs.Boil the almond milk with the jaggery and cool down to a temperature at which you can dip your finger.Add the melted chocolate […]
Goa Part- 1
What can be a better post than G for ‘Goa’! Recently, I started liking two particular urban phrases (by genius anonymous) which says, ‘You cannot make everyone happy, you are not Goa.’ & ‘The worst thing about Goa is- Leaving Goa.’ Goa Anniversary Trip Although, these lines sound cheesy and cliché, but I strongly believe […]
Fun Darjeeling Trip continues(Part 3)
Breakfast The third day of our Darjeeling Trip. Read Part 1and Part 2. Next day we woke up early in the morning ( read that as 8 am!) had a cup of Darjeeling tea and marie biscuits in our room. Then as our car arrived, we took our baths and went down to have our […]
Eager for Nature,Bengal Safari: (Part 2 Darjeeling Trip)
Continued from Part 1. Next morning we woke up totally refreshed after a solid 10 hours sleep on the super comfy bed. Thanks to the solid cut off curtains we had an amazing undisturbed sleep. For that day,we had planned a trip to Bengal Safari. But before that the breakfast buffet beckoned to us. We […]
Darjeeling foot hills Birthday Trip : Part 1
This year we decided to go for a trip to Siliguri, Darjeeling foothills, celebrate hubbies birthday on the 21st of February. That was to be followed by a visit to the in- laws place i.e. Firoze’s hometown Guwahati. The last two weeks leading upto the trip was hellish at work. I got through it with […]
CICA and Ceramides in K- Beauty skincare
In this post I will share some knowledge about two popular K- beauty ingredients,Cica and Ceramides. I will also answer a few often asked questions about K- beauty. Ceramides and cica in my skincare products protected my skin barrier from the sun damage during our recent Goa trip together with heavy duty sunscreen usage! Why […]
Beauty and K-Beauty
Why all this hype about beauty? The first use of cosmetics derived from natural products to enhance beauty has been traced back to early Egypt by the historians. From an evolutionary point of view, beauty has had the key purpose of influencing reproductive natural selection. Human aesthetics dominated are by the external visible physical characteristics. […]
Apple Walnut Muffin with a twist
An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a saying we have all heard growing up. Bake with apples and bake these delicious apple walnut muffin! So no body can send you on a guilt trip of making unhealthy baked goodies. Read this post and you will know why. Now our humble apple has […]
Sustainable Living and Upcycling
According to the United Nations Environment Program(UNEP) sustainable living is the understanding of how our lifestyle choices impact the world around us and trying to find ways for everyone to live better and lighter. Why Sustainable Living? Now this definition is definitely open to interpretation. In our fast lives we are often perturbed by existential […]
The Garden Tour 2022
Lookback The year is almost over so I thought of giving all our friends the garden tour 2022 It has been a year full of ups and downs. We welcomed the year with everybody falling sick with the Covid-19 Omicron sub variant. It was an unforgettable experience. The only escape from the illness induced malaise […]
Games People Play
Indoor and Outdoor games Games, both indoors and outdoors have been an integral part of my growing up. They are a great source of stress management as well as a great form of affordable entertainment. Playing indoor and outdoor games has helped shape my personality while growing up to a large extent. Hide and Seek, […]
Home is where the heart is…
Everybody gets that warm fuzzy feeling when they think about returning home. A home is a safe zone, a secure place, a place where you can be you without any fears of judgement. So its very important that your home reflects your personality. Home is a safe haven I am currently staying in a rented […]
Impact of acne on quality of life
Impact of acne on quality of life I decided to read up on the impact of acne on quality of life for my third causeachatter post of this quarter. Having healthy acne free skin gives me confidence. It somehow makes me feel happy.This may be rooted way back to my teen years when started having […]
Lessons in Chemistry Book Review
Lessons in Chemistry I have always been a Science aficionado as far back as I remember. Wondering how things work and asking why to myself was a favourite pass time to have fun inside my head!! However amongst all the science subjects, Organic Chemistry was definitely not my forte. There was one test in class […]
Ikigai :A reason for being
A Reason for Being Ikigai is a Japanese cultural concept and the word is roughly translated as “reason to live” or ‘a reason for being’ . It is a concept which heavily relies on following your passion and having a reason to get up in the morning. Causeachatter and Ikigai Recently I participated in a […]
Favourite Book of 2022 so far:The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth
Blog Hop July 25… My Favourite Book of 2022 so far is The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth Sally Hepworth’s books are my best book discovery in 2022. Amongst them, The Good Sister was the first and it was an absolutely unputdownable book.Its a more-ish novel about the lies that bind two sisters . What […]
Reading vs Writing
If I had to choose between reading or writing you ask? In all probabilities I would choose reading. Even though both reading and writing share a deep connection. Reading Reading has helped me in becoming the person that I am. Books have shaped me, my thinking process, my world views. Reading has helped me form […]
Gender equality for Women’s Empowerment
In my last post on women’s empowerment, I focused on the suffrage movement and reverse gender bias. The United Nations theme for this years IWD was Gender Equality for a Sustainable tomorrow. In this post I will discuss about some of the most evil practices which directly hamper the natural Gender Equilibrium of this world. […]
You Netflix Series Review
Review of You netflix series In this review of You netflix series I will tell you how it is a must watch moreish psychological thriller series. The series based on the books by Caroline Kepnes . Review of Season 1 of You The first season was about the chillingly weird protagonist Joe Goldberg. By day […]
Xenia Zinnia Ginia
I learnt a new word recently. “Disambiguation”. According to dictionary.com it is “the act or process of distinguishing between similar things, meanings, names, etc., in order to make the meaning or interpretation more clear or certain”. The word xenia is a disambiguation of the word zinnia. Xenia Xenia has multiple meanings ranging from the Greek […]
Walnut Apple and Honey Cake.
Walnut,Apple and Honey Cake recipe This Walnut,Apple and Honey Cake was baked as a Diwali gift for a neighbour. Ingredients ½ cup chopped Apples½ tsp lemon juice10 Walnuts choppedButtermilk ½ cup3 eggs4tbsp organic brown sugar (40 gm)6 tbsp organic raw honey ( 60 gm)1/2 cup Melted Butter (50gm)2 tbsp Buttermilk/CurdVanilla Extract 1.5 tsp1 & ¾ […]
Valentines Day Fruity cupcakes
This year, I was home alone on Valentine’s Day. However since I am a baking addict, I could not let the day of love go by without celebrating with a baked goodie. So I decided to make these Valentine Day fruity cupcakes. Fruity Cupcakes with ganache icing This was a fruit flavoured cupcake make with […]
Ushering in the Weekend
All of us who are in 9 to 5 jobs, look forward to weekends like a sunflower looks towards the sun. The entire week is spent working hard only looking forward to ushering in the weekend. For me and Firoze, the weekend feeling sets in from Thursday evening itself! So Thursday involves some after office […]
Top 13 must watch OTT series this summer
Must watch OTT series this summer: A guest post In the last few years, OTT series gradually emerged into the limelight. During the lockdown, this was our saving grace. Web series are now known for their creative content, unique stories and interesting ideas. There are numerous OTTs with original series but here’s the best of […]
Strings and Kites
This post was supposed to be a ‘K’ post for BlogchatterA2Z challenge about my experience with kites. It is still about kites. However I will also talk about strings and kites together since it is an S post. I was crazy about flying kites during my preteens. I eagerly waited for the perfect dry windy […]
Review of Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane
This is a Guest post by my dear friend Nilanjana.Book Review of Just Last Night by Mhairi McFarlane About the book Eve, Susie, Ed and Justin have been best friends since school. They still meet often and still have their Thursday pub trivia night ritual every week even in their thirties. They know everything about […]
Quotes that I love
A collection of quotes that I love. Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise…Frank Ocean Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new…..Albert Einstein Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder…..Rumi The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain […]
Paparazzi in my Garden
I spend a lot of time during the weekends,just pottering around and taking care of my plant babies. Sometimes I become a Paparazzi too. Giving the rose plants a shower to wash away the pests, pruning of the dead leaves, digging up and fertilizing the soil are just a few of the activities that makes […]
Orange Cake
Eggless Orange Cake Recipe I made this eggless orange loaf cake on order from my mother. She wanted me to bake this cake for some of her friends who meet weekly to sing devotional songs(bhajans). Obviously it had to be eggless. I have made my fair share of eggless cakes, as I went through a […]
Music, live shows and how it shaped my life
I love music. It soothes the soul. I play the guitar. It brings out a variety of emotions in me. Mostly it helps when I am extremely happy or sad. I had a band in college. We used to call ourselves “Spectrum”. It was not registered officially. We used to play during college fests, school […]
Never have I ever …
We saw a fun comedy drama series on Netflix called Never Have I Ever. Its about a first generation Indian American Tamil girl called Devi who stays in Los Angeles. Mini Review of Never have I ever Devi was very close to her father, Mohan. After he dies suddenly, Devi loses the sensation in her […]
Loaf Cake
A Loaf Cake is a big hit in our household. My sister let me know a few days back that my blog does not have any recipe for a decadent chocolate cake. That was quiet shocking as I am a chocoholic of the highest degree. So I frantically went through my gallery and Instagram feed […]
Kindness is a Drug
Practicing kindness is like a drug. Every act of kindness gives me a highly excited and jubilant feeling. For me, the highest form of kindness is thinking kind thoughts even when I am alone. I try that a lot. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don’t. But my efforts to practice kindness is always there. […]
Jodi Picoult, Wish You were Here: Book Review
The first Jodi Picoult book that I remember reading, is My Sister’s Keeper. I don’t remember the exact details of the book since I read it almost 15 years back. But I remember that I loved the writing style. Recently I came across a wonderful book by Jodi Picoult called “Wish You were Here”. Book […]
Its just Science!
Albert Einstein said “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious”. This is such a meaningful quote. The moment we loose our curiosity, our whys and hows, that’s when we stop growing. To learn and create new things is the best way to succeed in any sphere of life. Science is the best […]
Hot Milk Cake
Baking is my earliest form of creative expression. One of my recent favourite cake I have baked is the Hot Milk cake.I was reading a book by my current favourite author, Sally Hepworth. In it, one of the protagonist, Rachel claimed that she “bakes her feelings”! “ The methodical nature of baking, provided an equilibrium […]
Glow from the Inside
“Believing in your own worth radiates enough inner light to make you glow”. These are words written by American author Richelle E. Goodrich which rang a bell within me. How many of us are exactly aware of our own worth? Diffidence and Existential Crisis I often find myself engulfed in a sea of diffidence and […]
Fast Reads:Book Review of Zero Day by S. Hussain Zaidi
Review of Zero Day by S. Hussain Zaidi I usually judge whether a book is good or bad by the time it takes me to finish it. In the case of the book “ Zero Day” by S. Hussain Zaidi, I literally inhaled the book! Book Blurb Mumbai is in a state of chaos. All […]
Emotions and a white shirt
Introduction This post is not just about a shirt, it is about my emotions, and a white shirt,an old shirt with small chequered pattern. The shirt by itself does not have much emotional significance. It is the human emotions and connection associated with it that’s relevant. I will try and share with you all what […]
Double Cleansing in Skincare
What is a Double Cleansing routine? If you find asking yourself that” Is glass skin possible?”, then please read this post. I have very recently started this new method of double cleansing my skin at night. The name itself is self explanatory i.e you have to clean your face twice. This is basically the preliminary […]
Covid Lockdown and the Vitamin C dilema
Lockdown Tales I was thinking about how our lives have changes since the Covid19 pandemic and the first lockdown in March, 2020 . We have come a long way since then. People have started to live life with lesser fear and greater respect for their own mortality. We have learnt to truly appreciate the things […]
B Vitamins in Skincare
B Vitamins in Skincare My skincare journey has been a long and arduous one with lots of ups and downs. During the course of this journey I have learnt many new things about skincare. Amongst them, I was really impressed with the role of B vitamins in skincare! The types of B vitamins There are […]
AHA for Skincare: The AHA moment!
AHA is a positive expression that we often use. Whenever we feel happy or contented about something, the first sound out of our mouths is “AHA”! AHA’s in skincare have a similar feel good and pleasing effect on our skins. What is AHA AHA or Alpha Hydoxy Acids are a group of plant derived acids […]
Sustainable Living: 5 things that I practice
What is meant by sustainable living Sustainable Living is a concept of leading a lifestyle in which there is minimum ecological and carbon footprint and considerate use of the resources of this planet. In our fast paced lives it is an uphill task to consciously cut down on our habits of consumption. I often find […]
BreakTheBias: International Women’s Day
I took a little break from blogging in the past month. But in a milestone achievement, I managed to write around 12000 words in the form of personal journaling as a part of the WriteAPageADay campaign. After the month long break, I decided to write about a topic close to my heart,women’s empowerment and BreakTheBias, […]
Amaretti Cookies and the Joy of Little things
Amaretti Cookies Amaretti cookies are a type of Italian cookie that I first made way back in 2006 or 2007. I was studying geology in Kolkata and my sister was pursuing her medical post-graduation in Delhi. I used to miss her a lot. Often I would feel like feeding her all my baked goodies as […]
Winter Garden and newly learnt gardening tips
Winter Garden Our tiny little winter balcony garden is like a flowery wonderland these days. Here in Kolkata, the slightly chilly air of the “catch me if you can” winter, is the welcome sign for the flowers to start arriving. Every morning we wake up to our winter garden adorned with the voluptuous roses, the […]
What makes e-commerce platforms customer friendly?
“Happy to Help” e- commerce platforms “How may I help you today?”“ I am happy to help you today.” These are a few statements that we often hear when we call an e-commerce platform’s customer care number or are having a frustratingly blunt and one sided conversation with a customer care chat bot! But how […]
5 things I did in 2021 for my Mental Health
Mental health is not an easy subject to write about. You cant delve too deep inside. Its difficult to throw up personal examples as you may end up overasharing. But if you do share a bit, a sense of relief and calm sets in. Phew! I got it off my chest… As far back as […]
Online Shopping E-commerce and Me
Flash back to the year 2012. Online shopping, E-commerce and me started our journey from then. I have joined my job and am living alone in a new city far away from home. Cooking for myself, managing an apartment all by myself, everything was new for me. Adulting here I come! It was an overwhelming […]
The Handmaid’s Tale Review
The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood is a one of its kind thought provoking, dystopian anthology . For me this book is unique in the sense that I saw the series on Prime Video first. Then I read the book. I usually do it the other way round. Seeing and reading the Handmaid’s Tale gave […]
Creativity, Entrepreneurship and starting a MSME
The relationship between creativity and entrepreneurship. I often have a debate with my husband about selling art. He is a self taught but talented artist. Now and again people see his art on facebook, and ask for the price of certain pieces. He is hell bent on the point that he wont sell his art. […]
Happy Me
I was going through my phones image gallery. And I could not find a single picture of me in which I am not smiling. That amazed me. Am I really that happy? Just like a smile can mean/ say a thousand words but it can equally hide as many. Smile always… I saw a few […]
The Right Sunscreen Solution: Skin Care Secret 6
How do I choose the Right Sunscreen for my skin? Choosing the right sunscreen that works for my skin has been an uphill task. I have oily to combination sensitive skin that is prone to hyperpigmentation. In addition, my profession involves prolonged periods of intense sun exposure. So I am now very careful about sunscreen […]
The Sunscreen Conundrum Skin Care Secret 5
Sunscreen Conundrum I have always felt a deep conundrum regarding sunscreen. I always asked myself that why should we use sunscreen? What does sunscreen do to your skin? As recent as three years back I did not know the right way of applying sunscreen. And believe it or not, my first instinctive reaction was to […]
Nature Photographs from pre-drone days
Preamble The nature photographs I am about to share with you all have interesting and thrilling stories behind them. These nature photographs were clicked in the pre-drone era from above an abandoned forest watch-tower located in the deep jungle of Satpura Tiger Reserve Forest in Hoshangabad district, Madhya Pradesh. Madhya Pradesh has some highly picturesque […]
Yellow Taxi: An unforgettable experience in Kolkata Part 2
June 2007 Continued from Part 1 It was my second visit to West Bengal. I had qualified GATE and went to take admission in IIT Kharagpur or Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad for my M-Tech course. Keeping two extra days for that trip for any unforeseen delay in admission procedure seemed to be the […]
Yellow Taxi :A trip down memory lane Part 1
Introduction Love it, hate it, but you cannot ignore it. That’s yellow taxi for you, my friends. These are old to very old ambassador cars, which have been plying Kolkata roads since 1958(The Indian Express). It is one the cities in which taxis are yellow. Their numbers are decreasing gradually due to its replacement by […]
Sugar and Spice and everything nice!
What are girls made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice! Gender Roles All of us have heard this poem in some form or the other while growing up. Societal norms have defined a certain way of behaving, of dressing, of talking, especially for women. Any deviation from the norm is seen as an anomaly, […]
Skin Care Secret 4: Power of Vitamin C
Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid is a wonder ingredient when it comes to skincare. When taken as an oral supplement, it has great health benefits. Also for the skin it can be called a super hero ingredient.Vitamin C has antioxidant properties. It limits damage due to UV rays from sun exposure. It helps in wound […]
Nutrition and Exercise: The power couple for Muscle Strength
How do you ensure that your body retains muscle strength as you age? Are you surprised to hear that nutrition and exercise both play a role in gaining muscle strength? Then you need to read on to know what I do to tackle the problem. The Early Days…. When I was in my preteens, I […]
North Sikkim Trip: Part 3
We returned to Lachen after enjoying the serene beauty of Gurdongmar Lake. Next on our North Sikkim itinerary was Lachung, Zero point in Yumthang valley, and back to Gangtok. Hubby was feeling much better and on his way back to recovery. Next morning we set out early fo Lachung from Lachen. Lachung,North Sikkim At […]
Skincare Secrets 3: Dot and Key Radiance Serum
Dot and Key Biphasic Alpha Arbutin and Azelaic acid radiance serum As a part of my skincare secrets series, I really want to share another of my skincare secret. I recently got my hands on a bottle of the new Dot and Key Biphasic Alpha Arbutin and Azelaic acid radiance serum. Unique serum This serum […]
North Sikkim Trip: A throwback (Part 2)
We enjoyed Nathula Pass and Channgu Lake in the first few days of our Sikkim Trip. On the third day, our North Sikkim journey was to begin. But unfortunately all of a sudden hubby came down with a sore throat and fever. I gave him mutiple cups of hot beverages and lots of TLC.If all […]
Sikkim Trip: A throwback (Part 1)
Our first vacation after being transferred back to my hometown Kolkata, was the Sikkim Trip. Initially we had thought about going to Himachal Pradesh during the Durga Puja holidays. But we had not planned well in advance. So Himachal was out. Mountains Calling The mountains were calling to both of us. Then suddenly one day […]
Cake Series: Chocolate Ragi Marble cake
As a part of the cake series for my next book, 101 cakes, I have come up with this new cake recipe. The chocolate ragi marble cake. Marble cakes enchant me. Just a simple technique and you end up with a pretty as a picture cake.The recipe for chocolate ragi marble cake is given in […]
My first Panic Attack
I remember the day I had my first panic attack. At that time though, I did not realise that it was a panic attack that I am experiencing. I must say though that overall I am an extremely anxious person. But this feeling, this was different than my routine anxiety. It was a couple of […]
Being the best version of yourself
My 9 year old niece, during one of our in depth telephonic conversations informed me that, “Mimi! Did you know that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop!” I was shocked to hear such wisdom from the tiny tot. It really got me thinking. Doing nothing does feel good once in a while. But, not […]
Cake Series: Zebra Cake
Ingredients for Zebra Cake 3 eggsBrown sugar1 cupCurd 2 tbspVanilla extract 1.5 tspButter 50 gm meltedSunflower oil 50 mlFlour 1 ½ cup (150gm)Milk Powder ½ cupPink salt ½ tspBaking pd 1 ½ tspCocoa pd 4 tbsp , 1 tbsp brown sugar½ cup fresh creamGreased and paper lined round tinBake at 180 degree celsius for 30 […]
My Rendezvous with Acrylic Art
I have discovered a new creative outlet in 2021. This post is about my rendezvous with acrylic art .During an impromptu loose florals art class by my beloved sister , I suddenly discovered that I can paint. I did learn drawing during my school days. But at that time and due to the ignorance of […]
Dot & Key PHA Bakuchiol Serum: Skincare Secrets 2
Skincare Secrets 2: Review of Dot & Key PHA and Bakuchiol DAILY PEEL RESURFACING MILK SERUM. I am basically an oily and sensitive skinned girl . I have forever being fighting the battle for achieving healthy glowing skin. Dot & Key PHA and Bakuchiol DAILY PEEL RESURFACING MILK SERUM is a relatively new addition to […]
Cake Series: Orange Pound Cake and Food for thought
Food for Thought Before I come to my recipe for Orange Pound Cake, I would like to share some food for thought.Recently I seem to have developed some interest in philosophy. The ancient philosopher Aristotle believed that happiness for human beings is connected to function. A persons life can be happy one when he has […]
Cake Series: Chocolate Beetroot Marble Cake
Cake Series I am planning to write a new recipe book. Tentatively I have thought of calling it the 100 Cake Book. So for that first I have to bake 100 cakes. I will include those recipes in a series of posts called ” Cake Series”. That is my new self set challenge. There is […]
Cake Series:Carrot Cake with Mixed Berries
Carrot cake and ‘little bit of Monica in me” We have grown up with healthy doses of the popular sitcom “Friends”. I identify with Monica a lot in terms of cooking and baking and playing hostess. I call it the “ little bit of Monica in me”. Because the other parts, particularly the being super […]
Cabin Fever, Imposter Syndrome and Flowers in our garden
Cabin Fever The second wave of the Covid Pandemic hit us like a tsunami. Once again we are all locked down. This time it seemed we would be a bit more prepared as we have already been through it once. But are we actually? Cabin fever due to the prolonged periods of isolated confinement has […]
Breads and Breakfast by Shail Thosani : A review
According to Wikipedia the humble breads made with flour and water has been a important part of human civilization . Its presence in recorded history shows that bread is consumed in large parts of the world as a staple food. My journey with bread baking started in 2019 when I baked my first Milk Loaf. […]
Review of “Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes” by Kalyan Subbarao
Healthy Indian Breakfast ideas are always a challenge. I am a certified zombie in the morning. So coming up with new and innovative breakfast ideas for the household is a daily duel. Most nights, the last thing I mumble before falling into the vast chasm of sleep is “ What will you have for breakfast”, […]
Yoga and My Life. Review of Down Dog Yoga app
Yoga and Healthy Lifestyle Trying to lead a healthy lifestyle has been my main prerogative for some time now. This International Yoga Day I decided to share my yoga journey with my friends. We are constantly face with a multitude of options on a daily basis which tempt us to deviate from the path of […]
“Hello Healthy Skin” Book Review
Hello Healthy Skin” by Sindhu Vinod Narayan:A Book Review Skin-tilating Issues! Women and their skin have a never ending love hate relationship. We are always in search of the holygrail healthy skin secrets. I myself can vouch for this. I have been plagued with oily and acne prone skin from my teen years like so […]
Incredible India, Bucket List of must visit destinations : A Review
Book Review of Incredible India, Bucket List by Aditya Sathe. Travel is like an addiction. The thought of planning the next trip helps to keep us going on in the daily drudgeries of life. So the past 2 years have been really difficult from all aspects, and especially from the travelling point of view. So […]
Watercolor Loose Flowers and Pandemic 2.0
Yes! It is 2021 and we are again stuck at home. The pandemic is back or I guess its better to say it never went away in the first place! This time I am feeling a bit extra grateful as I have acquired a new skill. I learnt how to draw watercolor loose flowers and […]
Kaziranga National Park : The ecological wonder (part 2)
Kaziranga National Park: The ecological wonder (part 2) Its unbelievable that in the last one month we are again back to this dystopian pandemic infested world. The country is reeling and gasping for breath. Staying safe, grateful and grounded is of extreme importance now. Nature is a great healer and we have to be cautious […]
Kaziranga- The Ecological Wonder
Kaziranga: A Pictorial Tour The last one year was very special. It is not every day that you get the opportunity to actually live through a dystopian world! Finally now the pandemic induced travel restrictions, have been lifted to some extent. So, on a trip to hubby’s hometown, we ventured out for a road trip […]
Home Gardening Tips: Gardening Hacks (Part 2)
Home Gardening Tips: Gardening Hacks (Part 2)This post is the second post in my series of gardening posts about tips, tricks and gardening hacks that every beginner gardener should know. In my last post I have shared about all the food that I feed my plants to keep them healthy and shining. Happy Blooms Happy […]
Home Gardening Tips for a Beginner
I am sure there are many people who wonder “How do I make a good garden at home?” In this series of gardening posts I will give some home gardening tips that have helped me. I have been that mad gardening lady with nearly over 50 plants in her balcony garden since the last 5 […]
Books and bookworms
Books have been a constant companion of mine since a very early age. I often judge a person based on this simple criteria, whether they read for pleasure or not. Many of my friendships have been based in the common foundation of having an intense love for books. How it all started… When I was […]
Eggless semolina cupcake recipe with anecdotes on my life as an introvert
Being an Introvert I have been an introvert throughout my life. As a result of this personality trait I have had very few but truly long term friendships. It was difficult for me to be friends with anybody because I remember from a very early age I did not like to talk with people. But […]
Millet Bread Recipe
Health is Wealth This Millet Bread recipe is a part of my Bread Baking series. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a passion for me. In the last week, I realised the true meaning of the term “Health is Wealth”. This is because for the past seven days, my mother was in the hospital. We admitted […]
Scenes from my Flower Garden at Jaipur and Kolkata
I have been gardening since 2015. Then it started as a happy escape from troubling times and eventually developed into a hobby for a lifetime.In this post I will share with you a many of my Flower Garden pictures. During our last transfer from Jaipur to Kolkata, I left behind most of my plant babies. […]
Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Neil Island (Part 3)
Read the first 2 parts of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2 Adieu Havelock After our 2 days of Havelock fun, the next part of our Andaman island vacation was reserved for Neil Island. So early in the morning, after having the buffet […]
Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2
Read Part 1 of Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 1 Andaman Island adventure-Part 2 We woke up the next day feeling fresh and excited for the rest of our Andaman island adventures. After a quick beach stroll at Corbyn’s Cove, we got ready and had our buffet breakfast. We had to catch our Green Ocean […]
Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Part 1
Travel Lust I should proclaim at the very onset that this post is about our Andaman Island vacation adventures. And the jaggery cookie recipe is a short but sweet return gift. It has been exactly one year since our last family vacation. Yes, you heard it right! It seems one whole year has gone by […]
Review of Clinique Moisture Surge and Freshly pressed Vitamin C
I have been plagued with very sensitive, combination to oily skin from my teenage years. It was nearly impossible for me to try out different skin care products as if I did so, invariably my face will be covered with small rashes or a severe breakout of acne. Then I discovered Clinique Moisture surge!What is […]
Stuffed Chicken Roast Recipe
As far back as I can remember in my cooking and baking days I was always fascinated with the idea of cooking a whole chicken! I was always on the lookout for a Stuffed Chicken Roast Recipe. In my teenage years, it was during the Durga Puja Festivals one year when I had planned on […]