Author: ginia


Handmade Dark Chocolate Truffles

My Sweet teeth story…. and how my handmade dark chocolate truffles satisfied them!I have a whole set of sweet teeth rather than a single sweet tooth. Any body who has grown up in a Bengali household will be familiar with that feeling of incompleteness without a sweet ending to any meal. Be it the cottony […]

Baked Goodies, Desserts

Mocha Cupcakes

Mocha CupcakesI was never a very big coffee fan. Tea was my thing. But then I came to taste specialty blend coffees one day at a small cafe near our place in Kolkata. Mind you its not your everyday instant coffee. Rather it is the freshly ground and filtered from exotic beans variety that made […]

Lifestyle, Travel

Jhansi and Sesame street

Recently I had the opportunity to visit the quaint historic city of Jhansi. Jhansi is famous for the brave queen Rani Laxmi Bai. From the first time when I read about her in the history books to last year when I saw the movie Manikarnika,I have always felt like I have to visit Jhansi at […]

Health, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa

Clean Eating

Clean eating is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. To say that is not always easy to be focussed on eathing healthy food is actually a huge understatement! Working throughout the day, being super busy, multi tasking, home management, all of it takes quite a toll on the healthy eating part. When I am […]

Health, Healthy Recipes

Beetroot Raita

I love yoghurt and curd in any form. I try to include at least one helping of curd in one of my meals. It is during this quest of mine that I came across a lovely beetroot raita recipe.If not curd I definitely have buttermilk which is a great source of probiotics. I first came […]