Month: June 2021

Baked Goodies, Blogchatter Half Marathon, Cake Series, Cakes

Cake Series: Chocolate Beetroot Marble Cake

Cake Series I am planning to write a new recipe book. Tentatively I have thought of calling it the 100 Cake Book. So for that first I have to bake 100 cakes. I will include those recipes in a series of posts called ” Cake Series”. That is my new self set challenge. There is […]

Baked Goodies, Blogchatter Half Marathon, Cake Series, Cakes

Cake Series:Carrot Cake with Mixed Berries

Carrot cake and ‘little bit of Monica in me” We have grown up with healthy doses of the popular sitcom “Friends”. I identify with Monica a lot in terms of cooking and baking and playing hostess. I call it the “ little bit of Monica in me”. Because the other parts, particularly the being super […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Gardening, Mental Health

Cabin Fever, Imposter Syndrome and Flowers in our garden

Cabin Fever The second wave of the Covid Pandemic hit us like a tsunami. Once again we are all locked down. This time it seemed we would be a bit more prepared as we have already been through it once. But are we actually? Cabin fever due to the prolonged periods of isolated confinement has […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Book Review, Bread

Breads and Breakfast by Shail Thosani : A review

According to Wikipedia the humble breads made with flour and water has been a important part of human civilization . Its presence in recorded history shows that bread is consumed in large parts of the world as a staple food. My journey with bread baking started in 2019 when I baked my first Milk Loaf. […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Skincare

Skincare Secrets 1: Review of Dot and Key 72 Hour Hydrating Gel + Probiotics

Skincare is one of my favorite topics. I am always on the lookout for Skincare Secrets.It enthralls me as well as terrifies me. Enthralls me because like every other girl I am always asking myself “How can I get flawless skin?”. Another thing I wonder about often is “how do models get glowing skin?” and […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Book Review

Review of “Healthy Indian Breakfast Recipes” by Kalyan Subbarao

Healthy Indian Breakfast ideas are always a challenge. I am a certified zombie in the morning. So coming up with new and innovative breakfast ideas for the household is a daily duel. Most nights, the last thing I mumble before falling into the vast chasm of sleep is “ What will you have for breakfast”, […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, CauseAchatter, Fitness, Mental Health

Yoga and My Life. Review of Down Dog Yoga app

Yoga and Healthy Lifestyle Trying to lead a healthy lifestyle has been my main prerogative for some time now. This International Yoga Day I decided to share my yoga journey with my friends. We are constantly face with a multitude of options on a daily basis which tempt us to deviate from the path of […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Book Review, Skincare

“Hello Healthy Skin” Book Review

Hello Healthy Skin” by Sindhu Vinod Narayan:A Book Review Skin-tilating Issues! Women and their skin have a never ending love hate relationship. We are always in search of the holygrail healthy skin secrets. I myself can vouch for this. I have been plagued with oily and acne prone skin from my teen years like so […]

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Book Review, Travel

Incredible India, Bucket List of must visit destinations : A Review

Book Review of Incredible India, Bucket List by Aditya Sathe. Travel is like an addiction. The thought of planning the next trip helps to keep us going on in the daily drudgeries of life. So the past 2 years have been really difficult from all aspects, and especially from the travelling point of view. So […]