I am sure there are many people who wonder “How do I make a good garden at home?” In this series of gardening posts I will give some home gardening tips that have helped me. I have been that mad gardening lady with nearly over 50 plants in her balcony garden since the last 5 […]
Author: ginia
Books and bookworms
Books have been a constant companion of mine since a very early age. I often judge a person based on this simple criteria, whether they read for pleasure or not. Many of my friendships have been based in the common foundation of having an intense love for books. How it all started… When I was […]
Eggless semolina cupcake recipe with anecdotes on my life as an introvert
Being an Introvert I have been an introvert throughout my life. As a result of this personality trait I have had very few but truly long term friendships. It was difficult for me to be friends with anybody because I remember from a very early age I did not like to talk with people. But […]
Millet Bread Recipe
Health is Wealth This Millet Bread recipe is a part of my Bread Baking series. Leading a healthy lifestyle is a passion for me. In the last week, I realised the true meaning of the term “Health is Wealth”. This is because for the past seven days, my mother was in the hospital. We admitted […]
Scenes from my Flower Garden at Jaipur and Kolkata
I have been gardening since 2015. Then it started as a happy escape from troubling times and eventually developed into a hobby for a lifetime.In this post I will share with you a many of my Flower Garden pictures. During our last transfer from Jaipur to Kolkata, I left behind most of my plant babies. […]
Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Neil Island (Part 3)
Read the first 2 parts of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2 Adieu Havelock After our 2 days of Havelock fun, the next part of our Andaman island vacation was reserved for Neil Island. So early in the morning, after having the buffet […]
Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2
Read Part 1 of Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 1 Andaman Island adventure-Part 2 We woke up the next day feeling fresh and excited for the rest of our Andaman island adventures. After a quick beach stroll at Corbyn’s Cove, we got ready and had our buffet breakfast. We had to catch our Green Ocean […]
Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Part 1
Travel Lust I should proclaim at the very onset that this post is about our Andaman Island vacation adventures. And the jaggery cookie recipe is a short but sweet return gift. It has been exactly one year since our last family vacation. Yes, you heard it right! It seems one whole year has gone by […]
Cheesy Chicken Buns, Google Buns and The Faraway Tree
Enid Blyton Books This recipe for cheesy chicken buns emerged one day when I was reminiscing about books from childhood days. I have very fond memories of the Enid Blyton books which were one of the first English books that I have read. To name a few, the Enchanted Forest series with its Magic Faraway […]
When the bread bug bites you!
History of Bread Bread or the humble “pao ruti” as we call it has a very long and illustrious history. It is a staple food that we have been making from as far back as the Middle Ages. In all cultures bread has a special significance in the sense that it is representative of a […]