What is your drive may I ask? What is your motivation to finish a task? Is it to feel good and keep up the mask. And just do it by rote like Jack does at dusk. Or is there something more strong driving you from within. The force that helps to get every win. Just […]
Tag: #ginialovestowrite
Feel: A short poem People remember you by how you make them feel. So be kind and always share the goodwill. A smile, a hello or a wave are the real seals. Even though it may not seem to be a great deal. A kind gesture maybe the focus of the days upheaval. Let that […]
Cherry Blossoms and 5 minute walks
Short 5 to 15 minute walks have become an integral part of my life in the past six months. Since I spend most of the day in the office sitting, the short walks are a savior. I must admit that I am blessed with a very beautiful office campus in the scenic city of Shillong […]
Ragi Bread recipe
“Is Ragi Bread good for you? ” asked no one ever! Ragi also known as finger millet is a healthy superfood and is one of my most favourite millets. Ragi flour is a dark brownish red coloured flour which has a nutty and smoky flavour. It can be used to make rotis, cheelas, pancakes, porridge, […]
Don’t let anyone clip your wings,Swat them away while you sing,Your wings will carry you to your dreams,Care for them even when struggling upstream. Some may slyly snip at your wings,And it may take a while to realize the clippings,But be bold and soar like a kite,All the while saving your wings from the mites. […]
I prayed and prayed that it’s an error,Maybe a machine or even a human error,It was so difficult to accept that maybe it’s not an error,But still I prayed, God, please God let it be an error….. I tried everything to console the heart in a constant state of terror,Maybe I can even manifest an […]
Dreams are what keeps us going strong,Without them we are like birds without song,Dreams help to keep the inner child alive for long,They provide the energy to play along, Dreams are followed by hope like the other end of a prong,Without hope we can barely sing along,Dreams and hope , side by side , go […]
Ode to kindred spirits
This post is an ode to the kindred spirits who make the foundation of my tiny circle of trust and love. Being a loner, I have very select friends and acquaintances with whom I can really be myself. All our life events play an important role in shaping our personalities. I realised many things about […]
Glow from the Inside
“Believing in your own worth radiates enough inner light to make you glow”. These are words written by American author Richelle E. Goodrich which rang a bell within me. How many of us are exactly aware of our own worth? Diffidence and Existential Crisis I often find myself engulfed in a sea of diffidence and […]
The Right Sunscreen Solution: Skin Care Secret 6
How do I choose the Right Sunscreen for my skin? Choosing the right sunscreen that works for my skin has been an uphill task. I have oily to combination sensitive skin that is prone to hyperpigmentation. In addition, my profession involves prolonged periods of intense sun exposure. So I am now very careful about sunscreen […]