I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in my mid 20’s. In the early days,before it was diagnosed, it was a very scary phase of my life. I would have sudden bouts of palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness panic attackd and what not. At that point of time stress was at an all time high and I was dealing with the big guns of “Life” all by myself.
Then eventually high bp was diagnosed, all the doctors succesfully scared me and the vicious circle of medication started. With that began my quest for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. I began to take very long walks, started doing yoga, went through online exercise videos and exercised religiously(rather like a person possessed!)

For me leading a healthy lifestyle was like the miraculous cure and elixir for my “ lifestyle disease”.
Some of the things that really helped me get through it all was planning diets, workouts ,exercise regimes and walks with friends with similar interests. Having extensive diet planning discussions, exchange of tips and tricks to melt stubborn fat and research on weight loss topics over umpteen cups of tea with the said friends was like a miraculous salve . This helped us stick to our common goals and made our bond stronger.

All of that really helped in the long run and I felt myself healing not only physically but mentally as well. My weight dropped, B.P stabilised.
Like everyone else in this super fast and furious life I often struggle with my bouts of extreme anxiety and high stress zones. But now other than few sporadic events, my BP stays in control with the help of regular medication, healthy diet and exercise.

What prompted me to write about this topic was something my boss told me about hypertension few days back. He said hypertension is akin to an ” Elephant in the room”. Even when the stress, that has triggered the initial bout of raised blood pressure is actually not there, it leaves its stamp, it will make its presence felt for your entire life.
Now it is upto you how you will tackle the situation. Succumb to it and dissolve in a puddle of “ why me???’s” or fight it and rise above it all to become a much better version of yourself by trying to lead a healthier life. That is up to you….
This is food for thought. I have been diagonised with High BP recently, so a lot of takeaways from this post.
I like the analogy between Hypertension and the phrase ‘Elephant in the room’. It sounds very apt. We need to remind ourselves to stay under control and not to dissolve in self-pity every time we face difficult situations.
Hypertension is a pivot around many lifestyle diseases revolve. Atherosclerosis, kidney disease, angina list goes on. It is important to control. High blood pressure using medicine and changing lifestyle.
Great Post..on a different topic…..High BP with Diabetes is a killer if u don’t fight it. Lost my husband this way and chronic depression is my bete noire. I am fighting as much as I can but it is difficult alone.
kudos to u for fighting the battle. Writing helps a lot in depression. Loneliness is a very big battle but I am sure you will fight it. Keep writing dear.
We ignore our health until we fall hard. Few lifestyle tweaks can be life saving. Food for thought Ginia. Mental wellbeing is utmost important it do seep into our physical fitness too.
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