Cabin Fever, Imposter Syndrome and Flowers in our garden

Cabin Fever

The second wave of the Covid Pandemic hit us like a tsunami. Once again we are all locked down. This time it seemed we would be a bit more prepared as we have already been through it once. But are we actually? Cabin fever due to the prolonged periods of isolated confinement has hit the best of us. ”. All of us are irritable and cant bear to be cooped up any longer. Life as we knew it has changed. Keeping up with work, being productive and doing things that make you happy to keep yourself sane emerged to be the biggest challenge at hand. In all of these the flowers in our garden were the biggest champions. I will get to that later.

How I kept up?

To combat my symptoms of cabin fever I tried my hand at many new endeavours. Just keeping up with work did not seem to satisfy my restless soul which was hungry for more. Inspired by my enterprising sister who is an icon of positivity, I started to paint. That seemed to release the mental pressure to some extent. The new short video format Tangi app entertained me a lot. My first loose rose flowers watercolor painting video got thousands of view on Tangi. Yoga became my best friend. I felt incomplete without my daily 1 hour of Hot Yoga. After a long time I read a lot of books. I started to bake again.Thanks to Blogchatters Half Marathon, my blog started to see some activity.

Combating the Imposter Syndrome

But doing all of this was associated with a new little monster which was starting to make its place in my head. Imposter syndrome would time and again make me doubt myself. This syndrome has been my companion for the longest of time. Was I good enough? Am I just wasting my time? What is the point of all this and so on. In those moments of extreme self doubt I would turn to the lovely flowers in our balcony garden. They never failed to cheer me up. Like my sister told me, flowers bloom every day and make so many people happy with their beauty. They don’t think that “why should we bloom if we are to fade within a day”. This thought really helped me a lot. I tried to defeat the imposter in my mind and go on with positivity. I will share a few photos of lovely flowers from our garden and share the joy. Hope they make your day better too.

Button Roses
White Portulaca
This was a cutting gifted to a friend. She sent me this pic 😍
Nagchampa a.k.a Plumeria pudics
Pink Hibiscus
New colourful Leafy member of our garden

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.


  1. Those are beautiful flowers, Ginia! You’ve grown a darn good hobby and been really good at it. I hope you continue gardening post Covid too.

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