Tag: flower garden

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Gardening, Mental Health

Cabin Fever, Imposter Syndrome and Flowers in our garden

Cabin Fever The second wave of the Covid Pandemic hit us like a tsunami. Once again we are all locked down. This time it seemed we would be a bit more prepared as we have already been through it once. But are we actually? Cabin fever due to the prolonged periods of isolated confinement has […]

Gardening, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa

Scenes from my Flower Garden at Jaipur and Kolkata

I have been gardening since 2015. Then it started as a happy escape from troubling times and eventually developed into a hobby for a lifetime.In this post I will share with you a many of my Flower Garden pictures. During our last transfer from Jaipur to Kolkata, I left behind most of my plant babies. […]