Tag: Gardening for mental health

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Gardening, Mental Health

Cabin Fever, Imposter Syndrome and Flowers in our garden

Cabin Fever The second wave of the Covid Pandemic hit us like a tsunami. Once again we are all locked down. This time it seemed we would be a bit more prepared as we have already been through it once. But are we actually? Cabin fever due to the prolonged periods of isolated confinement has […]

CauseAchatter, Gardening, Mental Health

Home Gardening Tips: Gardening Hacks (Part 2)

Home Gardening Tips: Gardening Hacks (Part 2)This post is the second post in my series of gardening posts about tips, tricks and gardening hacks that every beginner gardener should know. In my last post I have shared about all the food that I feed my plants to keep them healthy and shining. Happy Blooms Happy […]

Gardening, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa

Scenes from my Flower Garden at Jaipur and Kolkata

I have been gardening since 2015. Then it started as a happy escape from troubling times and eventually developed into a hobby for a lifetime.In this post I will share with you a many of my Flower Garden pictures. During our last transfer from Jaipur to Kolkata, I left behind most of my plant babies. […]

Gardening, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Gardening and Greens

The beginning… I love plants and flowers a lot. My plants give me a lot of happiness in my life. It all began way back in 2015 when my first tryst with Gardening and Greens began. My living arrangement was a tiny one bedroom flat in the desert state of India, Rajasthan. Jaipur, the capital […]