Author: ginia

Drinks and Beverages, Health, Healthy Recipes

Green Tea and Me… #SuperBloggerChallenge #Instacuppa

We are a hot beverage loving family. In one of our favourite comedy shows The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon used to be very prompt with a steaming cup of hot beverage when any of his friends were upset. He was very very particular about it. He was so right about the feel good effect of […]

Baked Goodies

Easy Milk Loaf

One of my resolutions for 2019 was to learn how to bake bread and get over my fear of yeast. Ever since I purchased my oven a packet of Active Dry Yeast was a permanent resident in my fridge as I was sure that I would be making a loaf of bread very soon. That was just […]


15-minute Healthy Veggie Soup

Now who does not love those recipes that can be thrown together in under 15 minutes flat? This soup is one such recipe and is ideal for cold winter evenings when cooking a 6 course dinner is the last thing you want to do after slogging in office for the whole day. It is actually […]

Health, Healthy Recipes

My secrets for hair happiness

Early days Hair happiness is something that all girls 1for.My earliest memory related to hair care is my mother trying very hard to massage warm coconut oil into my tresses and scalp, with me protesting and wiggling around like an eel! There was a tradition in our house that before shampooing your hair you have […]

Baked Goodies, Cookies, Desserts

Easiest Three Ingredient Cookie

I was thinking about baking some cookies for a very long time. But with the onslaught of pictures of Christmas cookies and cookie challenges on Instagram, I was very intimidated. Also, in the process of making cookies, there is an extra step which involves chilling the dough. This step really puts me off and makes […]