Zeal: A short poem

Never give up on your zeal for life,
Be focussed and heal from the strife,
Your zeal will help you win the prize,
Be it gold or a metaphorical high five.
I once knew a girl full of zeal and tenacity,
She excelled in all her tasks with veracity.
One day she was beaten down and drowning in gloom,
I helped her out by giving her the fairy broom,
The fairy broom was full of magic and helped to clear away all the gloom,
The girls regained her zeal and bid farewell to the cobwebs of doom.
I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z for the month of April and this is the Z post.
This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”
Take a bow.This one is beautiful Ginia
Thank you so much 🙏