Tag: Short poem

Food for Thought, Poetry

Qi : A short poem

What is my Qi I asked myself, Is it the key to find myself? Love, Positivity and the sunshine of Trust, It’s all the Qi that I need to be robust. I try to think, create and energize to make the most of the day, Never putting my Qi aside at bay. Starting the New […]

Food for Thought, Poetry

Plans for 2025

Plans have a habit of being made and changed,But without a plan you are sure to be derailed.For the new year I have many a plans framed,Share three personal and three creative they said. Plan one two and three involves health wealth and love you may say,And the creative plans are fun activities for the […]

Food for Thought, Poetry


Feel: A short poem People remember you by how you make them feel. So be kind and always share the goodwill. A smile, a hello or a wave are the real seals. Even though it may not seem to be a great deal. A kind gesture maybe the focus of the days upheaval. Let that […]