A Flower a Day
Watercolor was the medium I started with.Painting a flower daily helped to calm my flustered mind. My mental health improved markedly with every flower that I painted. Collaborations with like minded creative people on Instagram and Tangi helped me grow a lot. It felt like I was learning something new everyday. In addition, being a flower lover, I now realises that I could paint roses when I could not grow them in my tiny balcony garden.

Art Dates
Also my hubby is a super talented artist. He creates intricate acrylic and watercolor art which leaves me in awe. So, the chance to paint together opened up a new avenue for spending quality time together in the form of art dates.

Acrylic for the first time
Recently I joined an online artists community called The Circle. They organized a virtual acrylic art workshop which I attended. But I just could not muster up the courage to try my hand at acrylic. So with a bit of fear in my heart, one fine Sunday morning, I decided to take the plunge. After the initial hiccups of how to blend, to add water or not, and a few rounds of tears and histrionics, I finally finished my first acrylic painting. Its called Under the Sea and I love it!

My rendezvous with acrylic art was a great challenge! But the rewarding feeling at the end made up for everything. I hope to create more art, both watercolor and acrylic. It is now difficult for me to imagine my life without art. It is a part of my mental health kit which helps me wade through the sometimes murky and sometimes clear water of life.
This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon and #CauseAChatter.
These paintings look so beautiful. What a lovely way to spend quality time with loved ones.
Thank you for sharing your creative outlet! I agree that using creativity brings a “sweet feeling of satisfaction”!
It is great that you have started to paint. I say experiment as much as possible, try all the techniques. I do art tutorials and more on my YouTube channel if you want more inspiration. It is also great that you have a passion that you can share with your husband. Your work is lovely!
‘Under the Sea’ is a beautiful piece of art. Well done Ginia!!
Being creative with your hands is one of the ways psychologists recommend to calm stress and anxiety and I can appreciate that this is a wonderful outlet for you. Your artwork is beautiful and so is your husband’s.
I simply love your work. You are truly talented. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful artworks! Art is therapeutic and kind of addictive.
I started with watercolours 3 years ago but switched to acrylics last year. Didn’t think I would enjoy this medium so much!
What a lovely thought of painting together! Your water colours look mesmerizing 🙂
I am so impressed by your paintings!! Keep it doing and sharing dear!!
loved the paintings
Beautiful artwork…