One fine morning, I was getting into the car to go to work and a pretty thing caught my eye. I went closer to the base of the mango tree in our apartment compound, and found this wild magic mushroom blooming in its full glory.
This is the first time I saw a mushroom growing in the wild. I was instantly transported back to my Enid Blyton days. The wonderful days of The Magic Faraway Tree, The Enchanted Forest, Silky, Moonface , Joe, Fanny! It was in these books that I first read about pixies having a tea party under the cover of mushrooms in the enchanted forest.
Those where the magical days when everything and anything was possible. This mushroom was like a time travel portal of memories for me. It is still there and is growing. I check daily for any signs of pixie or gnome activity before I leave for office!
Whenever I feel sad and down in the dumps, I look at these reminders of magic around us. It is so easy to become jaded and bitter in this big bad world. It takes some real effort to keep the magic within us alive.
Sometimes I really miss my old self that believed in fairy dust and lifelong friendships, in happily ever afters and unicorns. I often struggle with bouts of anxiety and negative thinking. It is difficult to keep focus on happy thoughts when the darkness tries to submerge you. At these moments I try to focus on things that I have and am grateful for rather than those that I don’t.
I feel grateful for my family, my health, my plants, my job, my sanity.
Practicing gratitude really helps me keep things in focus.This magic mushroom musings really helped to keep clear my mind and feel the shine of the magic which is always around us.
P.S Stir fried butter pepper mushrooms are a hot favourite of ours. Will be sharing the recipe soon.
The post left me nostalgic too! Miss those moments spend with Enid Blyton books. This mushroom is really magical 🙂