
Gardening, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa

Scenes from my Flower Garden at Jaipur and Kolkata

I have been gardening since 2015. Then it started as a happy escape from troubling times and eventually developed into a hobby for a lifetime.In this post I will share with you a many of my Flower Garden pictures. During our last transfer from Jaipur to Kolkata, I left behind most of my plant babies. […]

Sunset scenes
Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa, Travel

Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Neil Island (Part 3)

Read the first 2 parts of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2 Adieu Havelock After our 2 days of Havelock fun, the next part of our Andaman island vacation was reserved for Neil Island. So early in the morning, after having the buffet […]

Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa, Travel

Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2

Read Part 1 of Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 1 Andaman Island adventure-Part 2 We woke up the next day feeling fresh and excited for the rest of our Andaman island adventures. After a quick beach stroll at Corbyn’s Cove, we got ready and had our buffet breakfast. We had to catch our Green Ocean […]

Kalapathar Beach, Neil island
Baked Goodies, MyFriendAlexa, Travel

Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Part 1

Travel Lust I should proclaim at the very onset that this post is about our Andaman Island vacation adventures. And the jaggery cookie recipe is a short but sweet return gift. It has been exactly one year since our last family vacation. Yes, you heard it right! It seems one whole year has gone by […]

Baked Goodies, Bread, MyFriendAlexa, Savoury

Cheesy Chicken Buns, Google Buns and The Faraway Tree

Enid Blyton Books This recipe for cheesy chicken buns emerged one day when I was reminiscing about books from childhood days. I have very fond memories of the Enid Blyton books which were one of the first English books that I have read. To name a few, the Enchanted Forest series with its Magic Faraway […]

Health, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa

Clean Eating

Clean eating is the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. To say that is not always easy to be focussed on eathing healthy food is actually a huge understatement! Working throughout the day, being super busy, multi tasking, home management, all of it takes quite a toll on the healthy eating part. When I am […]

Drinks and Beverages, MyFriendAlexa

Perfect cup of Milk Tea

I love tea. And by tea I mean chai/ doodh cha. My mornings are incomplete without the fragrant perfect cup of milk tea infused with the flavours of ginger and cardamom. I am swooning just thinking about it. Now dont get me wrong though. I equally enjoy my cups of golden darjeeling, oolong, assam and […]

Health, Mental Health, MyFriendAlexa

Magic Mushroom

One fine morning, I was getting into the car to go to work and a pretty thing caught my eye. I went closer to the base of the mango tree in our apartment compound, and found this wild magic mushroom blooming in its full glory. This is the first time I saw a mushroom growing […]

MyFriendAlexa, Skincare

DIY Tan Removal Tips

I am a geologist by profession. That involves a lot ( I mean really a lot) of sun exposure. That is a real bummer for the skin. Weeks and weeks of fieldwork in the hot sun to work out the inner mysteries of the earth does its bit for the poor skin. And by the […]