Food for Thought

Food for Thought, Mental Health

First Impressions

What’s the first impression you want to give people? First Impressions. According to Wikipedia,a first impression is the mental image a person forms of another person after their first encounter. When Jetpack gave this prompt today, it really got me thinking. What’s the first impression you want to give people? Do I really want to give […]

Food for Thought, Lifestyle

Money Games

We were watching Lara Croft, Tomb Raider on Netflix that day. Lara and her cohorts were on the search of Pandora’s Box and other priceless treasures by using extraneous measures.Gravity defying dare devilish jumps followed by near super humanish tolerance to pain and violence forms the core of these stunts in the movie, enacted very […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Food for Thought, Lifestyle

Wedding bells

How does it feel to be your own wedding planner? Its feels great. Wedding bells were round the corner for us when we finally managed to converge in our respective families. Ours was an extra special one followed by small reception where our families, dear friends and well wishers were present. Paperwork/formalities It officially started […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Food for Thought, Lifestyle

Zebra crossing, traffic signals and more

This post is about a daily mundane activity-driving to office every morning.  I love driving and consider it as a fun activity. But, traffic/ road conditions in kolkata can make you feel otherwise.  There are multiple routes to our office. We often drive through the same route everyday. So, the route, traffic signals, zebra crossings got […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Food for Thought, Lifestyle

“Local Guide” from lonely in a crowd

Lonely in a crowd “Alone is how she feels, alone is how she’ll always be. You’re used to solitude, she tells herself. Be a stoic.”…..Margaret Atwood This post is about my journey from being lonely in a crowd to a local guide on google maps.As far back as I remember, I have loved my own […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, CauseAchatter, Food for Thought, Mental Health

In pursuit of Happiness-A Paradox

What is the pursuit of happiness? The paradoxical feeling called happiness intrigues me a lot. In this context, I am not a happiness ‘guru’ nor am I here to give life lessons. What is happiness? How happy are we all? Why do people run after it? Do people actually get it? These are some of […]

Food for Thought, Lifestyle

Games People Play

Indoor and Outdoor games Games, both indoors and outdoors have been an integral part of my growing up. They are a great source of stress management as well as a great form of affordable entertainment. Playing indoor and outdoor games has helped shape my personality while growing up to a large extent. Hide and Seek, […]

CauseAchatter, Food for Thought, Mental Health

Ikigai :A reason for being

A Reason for Being Ikigai is a Japanese cultural concept and the word is roughly translated as “reason to live” or ‘a reason for being’ . It is a concept which heavily relies on following your passion and having a reason to get up in the morning. Causeachatter and Ikigai Recently I participated in a […]