Author: ginia

Food for Thought, Lifestyle

Money Games

We were watching Lara Croft, Tomb Raider on Netflix that day. Lara and her cohorts were on the search of Pandora’s Box and other priceless treasures by using extraneous measures.Gravity defying dare devilish jumps followed by near super humanish tolerance to pain and violence forms the core of these stunts in the movie, enacted very […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Book Review, Women's Empowerment

The Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood, Book Review

One of the recent books that I read, is The Edible Woman by my favourite author, Margaret Atwood. I bought this book from a new bookstore, Bahrisons book sellers in Park Street, Kolkata. I love to read Margaret Atwood books. The Handmaid’s Tale is an iconic book by Margaret Atwood, that you may read if […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Skincare

Relief Sun Beauty of Joseon sunscreen review

I recently succumbed to a midnight skincare shopping spree. A force inside me made me buy this trending Beauty of Joseon sunscreen from my favourite Korean skincare website, to their website,” Relief Sun with Rice and probiotics is a lightweight and creamy organic sunscreen that feels comfortable on skin. Even if you apply a […]

Baked Goodies, BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Cake Series, Cakes

Unbelievably Tasty Desert Basbousa

I made this unbelievably tasty desert Basbousa for Eid this year at home. Usually we go to hubbys hometown to celebrate but this year Eid celebration was at home and I had to make something special. Basbousa is a native Egyptian and a traditional middle Eastern sweet cake dessert that is relatively easy to make […]

Baked Goodies, BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Cake Series, Cakes

Vanilla Cashew Heart cake

I made this vanilla cashew heart cake for Valentines Day this year. Ingredients 2 eggs½ cup almond milk(50ml)½ cup condensed milk(50 ml)3/4 cup butter( 75 ml)1.5 cup APF½ cup cashew powderVanilla extractBaking vinegar ½ tspBaking powder 1 ½ tsp Method for Vanilla Cashew Heart cake Beat the eggs until frothy.Add in condensed milk + butter […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Skincare

Mugwort in Skincare

I first time heard about the weed named Mugwort during my Harry Potter bookathon days in my teenage years. I never imagined then that I would be writing about Mugwort and its magical benefits in skincare. Mugwort benefits for face skincare This magical herb is nowadays making a strong appearance in Korean skincare. It helps […]