Author: ginia

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Ultimatebloggingchallenge

Elephant in the Room

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in my mid 20’s. In the early days,before it was diagnosed, it was a very scary phase of my life. I would have sudden bouts of palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness panic attackd and what not. At that point of time stress was at an all time high […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Lifestyle, Skincare, Ultimatebloggingchallenge

DIY Magical Face packs

I was like all other teenage girls with very low self-esteem regarding my hair and my skin in my growing up period. I hated moisturisers and oils with a vengeance. So no wonder throughout my troubled teens I went through the trauma of pigmentation, acne, rough skin, unruly frizzy hair and all the other wonderful […]

Lifestyle, Skincare

Review of Clinique Moisture Surge and Freshly pressed Vitamin C

I have been plagued with very sensitive, combination to oily skin from my teenage years. It was nearly impossible for me to try out different skin care products as if I did so, invariably my face will be covered with small rashes or a severe breakout of acne. Then I discovered Clinique Moisture surge!What is […]

Baked Goodies, BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Blogging, Drinks and Beverages, Health, Healthy Recipes, Ultimatebloggingchallenge

Almonds: The ‘nut’ i am Crazy about!

Almonds are a favourite snack in our house just second to walnut in popularity. I love to use them in my baked goodies , shakes, smoothies or simple as a mid-morning snack. The Goodness of Almonds Almonds  are the quintessential  superfood. They are a powerhouse of nutrients having  a multitude of health benefits together with […]

Baked Goodies, Cookies, Desserts, Healthy Recipes

Healthy whole-wheat Dark Chocolate Cookies

Homemade cookies are the best. Everybody will agree.Ever since I have started baking cookies at home I just cannot seem to make myself eat any store bought biscuits or cookies. There is an absolute block in my head regarding this. My entire tin of biscuits filled with the good old Marie biscuit and cream crackers […]

Drinks and Beverages, Health

First Flush Green Tea

First Flush Green Tea. Tea as a drink has a constant presence in my life from as far back as I can remember. In my family there was never any negative connotation attached to tea drinking . Even though there are some dangers of caffeine addiction associated with excessive caffeine consumption. Tea was always a […]

Baked Goodies, Drinks and Beverages

Things You need to Carry for the perfect Day Trip

    Day trips are the best! Everyone will agree. What is there not to like? You don’t have to take leave (plan it on a weekend), it gives the boost that is required to survive in between those treasured vacations, they are not expensive (no hotels to be booked!) and the reasons are endless. […]