Mental health is not an easy subject to write about. You cant delve too deep inside. Its difficult to throw up personal examples as you may end up overasharing. But if you do share a bit, a sense of relief and calm sets in. Phew! I got it off my chest…
As far back as I remember, I have always been an introvert and a reticent person. Meeting and interacting with new people used to be a scene out of a nightmare for me. I did not like to share my emotions, thoughts and tribulations with anybody. I feared that I would be mocked, belittled and my emotions trivialized.
In the past few years and especially in 2020 and 2021, I realized the depths of my mental health dilemmas . Though it was tough, I finally began to get a grasp of the idea that I really don’t need to struggle in silence. I learnt ( or am still learning), methods to combat the inner devils of the mind. I am yet to accomplish the ultimate state of a well regulated mind. Sometimes, even before I realize it , I am well within the abyssal depths of my overthinking brain. But most of the times , some degree of calm equilibrium is present which keeps me anchored. I try to maintain this equilibrium with the help of some tried and tested mental health wellness practices.
1. Baking
I have been practicing the creative outlet of baking as a wellness practice for the past two decades or more. My baking journey started very young. And ever since it has been a whirlwind of cakes, cookies, breads, brownies and fudges. This last year I started baking in small batches on pre- order basis for very close friends and families. This was like a happy conclusion to my baking journey. I get immense satisfaction from seeing a little ones eyes light up at the sight of one of my cookies or one of them referring me as “ cupcake aunty”.

2 .Gardening
I started gardening in 2015 in Jaipur. Since then I have never looked back. Since then, I moved houses twice, but my plant babies have been my constant companions. Being a proud plant mom, I flaunt my flower and plant pictures with abandon. They are so open and giving with their love and need so little in return. There is scientific research that proves positive human brain activity and emotional response to the green colour of plants. And I can personally vouch for the fact that plants and flowers have an amazing soul healing quality.

3. Reading, Writing, Painting
Books have been my bestest friend, my soulmate, my partner in all phases of my life since as early as I remember. Books introduced me to the world of possibilities, the world of magic and to the world of “ anything is possible if you wish hard enough”! As always, in 2021 I have read a wonderful collection of books and have successfully completed my first nonfiction book as well!
I was inspired by my sister to start painting with watercolors in March- April 2021. Watercolors really helped me calm my mind to a great extent. Creating something beautiful as beautiful as a watercolour rose, gives a truly blissful happiness.

4. Reaching out and Making connections
I read a book recently called “What Happened to You?” by Dr. Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey. In one of the chapters, they have explained about something called “ Relational hunger in the modern world”. They say, that in todays world of sensory overloads, we need constancy of relational connections to avoid feeling overwhelmed. I will give a detailed review of this book in a later post.
5. Exercise, Yoga and Mindfulness
In 2021,I made it a point to workout everyday in some form or the other. I walked on my treadmill, practiced Vinyasa yoga, lifted some mild weights. Exercise is a source of natural endorphins and I. addicted! I began practicing mindfulness relatively recently and it has not yet caught on to my daily routine. I plan on working on it more in 2022.
So all in all, 2021 has been a wonderful year of learning and growth in my mental health journey. I hope 2022 will open up new horizons and help all of us to achieve the ultimate state of mental, emotional and physical equilibrium in this oh so disturbed world!
This post is my last one for 2021 and is a part of Blogchatter ‘s CauseAChatter.