Review of You netflix series
In this review of You netflix series I will tell you how it is a must watch moreish psychological thriller series. The series based on the books by Caroline Kepnes .

Review of Season 1 of You
The first season was about the chillingly weird protagonist Joe Goldberg. By day he is a bookstore manager in New York. He meets Guinevere Beck, an aspiring writer, and develops a blind infatuation which at the onset seems to be a harmless and cute crush.
The dangers of social media are clearly shown in this series as Joe uses it and other technology to track her movement He also uses it to create a conducive environment and remove all obstacles in the path of his intended romance.
The character of Joe has been carefully crafted so that at times me as a viewer felt a surprising sense of sympathy for him! Even though he is a creep who follows women!
Season 1 of You is a easily binge-able series and we finished it in a weekend.
The dangers of social media are clearly shown in this series as Joe uses it and other technology to track her movement He also uses it to create a conducive environment and remove all obstacles in the path of his intended romance.
The character of Joe has been carefully crafted so that at times me as a viewer felt a surprising sense of sympathy for him! Even though he is a creep who follows women!
Season 1 of You is a easily binge-able series and we finished it in a weekend.
Review of You Season 2
Season 2 begins with Joe Goldberg moving from New York to Los Angeles. He wants to erase his past life and escape to start over with a new identity. But in Los Angeles the obsessive psycho in him again makes a reappearance on meeting a pretty chef Love Quinn. Despite all his efforts the old obsessive cycle of stalking and violence come into play. In season 2 Joe will go to any extreme to make his relationship with Love succeed at all costs and avoid the fate of his past romances.
Season 2 was also great but a little bit less thrilling than Season 1.
Review of You Season 3
Review of You Season 3
Season 3 shows us the married life of Joe and Love with a newborn son, Henry, in a Californian suburb. Despite trying to mend his ways, Joes obsessive behavior continues . This time he develops an unhealthy fixation on his next door neighbor Natalie. But this time Love shows new ( i.e her true) colours and gives Joe good competition in the psychotic behavior department.
Her ultimate aim is to develop the perfect christmas card family and nothing with get in her way!
Binge on You on Netflix this weekend and do let ke know how you like it.
I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and this is the Y post( almost there!)
You was definitely binge worthy
I did see the first season and lost track of the series with so many new ones coming all the time! I must catch up!