Winter Garden
Our tiny little winter balcony garden is like a flowery wonderland these days. Here in Kolkata, the slightly chilly air of the “catch me if you can” winter, is the welcome sign for the flowers to start arriving. Every morning we wake up to our winter garden adorned with the voluptuous roses, the pretty petunias, the starry dianthus, the elegant kalanchoes and the ever cheerful chrysanthemums.

New additions and mustardy tips
As a free gift I was rewarded with genius advice about soaked mustard husk for watering my rose and all flowering plants. Immediately I bought 4 packets at just Rs 10/- per packet. Its very simple to use as well. I just need to soak around 50 gm of the husk in half a bucket of water for 4 days. Then dilute it with more water and voila! My liquid rose fertiliser is ready to be used for watering my plants.
Natures cycle
Excited with my new knowledge about mustard ,recently I sowed a few mustard seeds in a planter, watered it and left it on its own for a few days ( with regular watering). The sun and nature played its magic. Lo and behold, I have my cutest mustard sprouts, growing with leaps and bounds everyday! Maybe I will be able to produce my own mustard husk and the cycle will be complete!

Why Gardening?
Why Gardening?
I often wonder myself that why do I invest such a lot of my time for these plants and flowers. How is it that I get so much happiness from them? Gardening has been my friend for the last 7 years now.

Winter Garden Tips
Winter Garden Tips
Now after convincing you that why you need to have a small garden of your own (albeit its just a few plants whom you are responsible for keeping alive), I will share a few winter gardening tips.
- Water only when necessary, always check the soil before watering .
- Deadheading the old flowers will help in new flowering. Also removing dried leaves and stems from the plants helps the plant breath easier.
- Mustard husk fertilizer: every two weeks.
- Organic liquid fertiliser/macro and micro elements/seaweed: every week.
- Cow dung fertilizer: every 4 weeks
- Neem oil spray for the pesky pests: every week.
- Chat and sing to your plant babies: every day!
This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.
Views expressed in this post are personal and for reading purpose only. They’re not medical advice. Each individual’s experience may vary. Please consult a professional if you need help
Some really great tips! And your garden looks amazing.
I am hoping that I get to have a garden of my own one day — yours looks lovely; it would definitely brighten my day being among all the flowers and beautiful colours!
Thank you so much. Plants and flowers surely brighten the day ❤️
Wow!!! It’s lovely that you have a mini balcony garden. The first flower looks lovely. Thank you for sharing.