This post is an ode to the kindred spirits who make the foundation of my tiny circle of trust and love. Being a loner, I have very select friends and acquaintances with whom I can really be myself. All our life events play an important role in shaping our personalities. I realised many things about why I am the way I am after I read a book by Oprah Winfrey called ” What Happened to You”. That book really helped me get a pragmatic view of my humble life till now.
Leo Toltsoy said “ To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved”. Having a few such people in your life whom you trust whole heartedly is a blessing. Even if sometimes the foundation of trust is shaken, closure is something that can heal a lot of wounds. Small to big fights, all of them need closure and resolutions. Without closure deep friendships may be lost to the dark murky waters of ego and distrust.
Recently, I went through an episode of closure with a childhood friend of mine. We went through a phase of misunderstanding arising out of a sense of mild betrayal. A period of around 1.5 years of strained and distanced relationship passed. Then suddenly through a series of events, we sorted things out. We met and chatted and talked things out. In my opinion, that way is the best way to deal with in any adult relationship.
Kindred spirits
Unfortunately in most cases, often there is lack of transparency and honesty due to ego, insensitivities etc. So often such a situation may arise that you see yourself walking away from a relationship/ friendship that you once thought was as solid as the Great Wall of China. But if it’s a kindred spirit, both the souls will vibrate in unison, and the misunderstandings will melt away. Breaking something is easier than making something. So a lot of effort has to be put into maintaining the beautiful relationships of our lives.
“But who can remember pain, once it’s over? All that remains of it is a shadow, not in the mind even, in the flesh. Pain marks you, but is too deep to see. Out of sight, out of mind.”………Margaret Atwood….
Such is the pain of betrayals, it will mark you and stay with you. Even if invisible to the eye, pain of a purported betrayal is excruciatingly painful.So its important to stop picking at the scabs of the scar, talk things out and move on to have a happy and wholesome life.
This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge and this is the O– post