Mental Health

Baked Goodies, Desserts, Mental Health

Cake for the soul

A slice of cake for the soul with the evening cup of tea/ coffee for the mind is a match made in heaven. Our coffee dates were very frequent in the pre-apocalyptic world when things were “normal”! A particularly trying day at the office often ended with one of us suggesting a cuppa at any […]

Health, Mental Health, MyFriendAlexa

Magic Mushroom

One fine morning, I was getting into the car to go to work and a pretty thing caught my eye. I went closer to the base of the mango tree in our apartment compound, and found this wild magic mushroom blooming in its full glory. This is the first time I saw a mushroom growing […]

Lifestyle, Mental Health, MyFriendAlexa

Being Good

How to be a good human being? I remember when I was young I used to always worry about whether I was being a good human being or not. For some reason it was very important for me. I always felt that it is the only thing in this world that is totally in our […]

Gardening, Lifestyle, Mental Health

Gardening and Greens

The beginning… I love plants and flowers a lot. My plants give me a lot of happiness in my life. It all began way back in 2015 when my first tryst with Gardening and Greens began. My living arrangement was a tiny one bedroom flat in the desert state of India, Rajasthan. Jaipur, the capital […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Health, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Ultimatebloggingchallenge

Elephant in the Room

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure in my mid 20’s. In the early days,before it was diagnosed, it was a very scary phase of my life. I would have sudden bouts of palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness panic attackd and what not. At that point of time stress was at an all time high […]