Author: ginia

Blogchatter Half Marathon, Food for Thought, Poetry

Eternal Sunshine

Eternal Sunshine Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind,How I miss those days we left behind,When everything was rosy and gold lined,The heart was buoyant with little joys well defined. In those days the pleasures of Life were limited but simple,A new book to read brought smiles with dimples,A Chocolate bar to share, oh we would […]

Lifestyle, Travel

Krang Shuri Falls Day Trip

By virtue of our job as geologists, we now stay in the Scotland of the East a.k.a Shillong. Meghalaya other than hosting the rainiest place in the world can also be easily given the crown of the waterfall capital of India! So never the one to miss out, recently we went on a day trip […]

Food for Thought, Poetry

Hope Leaves

Hope Leaves making me empty and jaded, Joy becomes elusive and dead ended. Life dealt a deadly blow not once but twice in a row. How to be happy again I really don’t know. The grief is excruciating as it cannot be shown,Suffer in silence as to nobody your pain is known. The truth is […]

Fitness, Health, Lifestyle

Why I say Organic?

Organic food in India Organic food is produce that is grown without the use of any synthetic chemical fertilisers and pesticides. However organic food in India is a really dicey ball game. I personally find it very difficult to trust food that we consume and social media has made things worse. This is because the […]

Food for Thought, Poetry

Duality : A short poem

Duality is best dealt with a smile,However try to stay away at least a mile,Otherwise the duality will make you fascimile,And taint you with toxic tentacles till you rile. The Dual ones can never be trusted,They are moving lies that need to be busted,Never be friends with anybody who is dual,They can spoil your faith […]

Food for Thought, Poetry


Don’t let anyone clip your wings,Swat them away while you sing,Your wings will carry you to your dreams,Care for them even when struggling upstream. Some may slyly snip at your wings,And it may take a while to realize the clippings,But be bold and soar like a kite,All the while saving your wings from the mites. […]