I learnt a new word recently. “Disambiguation”. According to dictionary.com it is “the act or process of distinguishing between similar things, meanings, names, etc., in order to make the meaning or interpretation more clear or certain”. The word xenia is a disambiguation of the word zinnia.
Xenia has multiple meanings ranging from the Greek concept of hospitality to It is translated as ‘guest-friendship’ or ‘ritualized friendship’. It is an institutionalized relationship rooted in generosity, gift exchange, and reciprocity.(Wikipedia). Xenia has no relationship with the Zinnia flower though they sound the same.
Zinnia is a flower in the sunflowers and daisies family. It is one of my favourite flowers due to a special reason, which I will get to later on. I have seen many varieties of zinnias and they come in a multitude of colours like yellow, white, pink, peach, magenta, red,violet.

Very recently, a white zinnia grew all by itself in one of my rose pots in our balcony garden. At first I had thought that it was a weed and was on the verge of pulling it out. But, then something stopped me. I saw a tiny bud at the top. Gradually within a few days the plant grew. Finally I I found this beautiful white flower beaming happily.

Whats in a Name?
My friends and family call me Ginia. I always thought that I was named after Zinnia flowers. This is because when I was young, I had a cursive writing book. Maa used to lovingly read from it often that “ Zinia is a Golden flower”. So I always assumed that the flowers were the inspiration for my name.
But very recently I came to know that the name Ginia is of Latin origin and its meaning is pure or viriginal. Now this was new for me.
Right now I basically have nearly four names. This is because different people in my life call me by different names.
In office my colleagues call me Debdatta which is a Bengali name which means”God gifted” or “Gift to God” or “ Gift of God”.

Friends and family i.e didi, Maa and Abhijitda(brother in law who is more of a brother really) call me Ginia.
My niece has an exclusive name for me “ Mimi’ and she is the only one who calls me that.
Firoze,my husband calls me by a collection of names ranging from Ginia, Gini, Niji, Ginimoni and Nijinimo!
Whatever it maybe, what’s in a name? Right?
I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and this is the X post.
The flowers are soo pretty!