The Garden Tour 2022


The year is almost over so I thought of giving all our friends the garden tour 2022 It has been a year full of ups and downs. We welcomed the year with everybody falling sick with the Covid-19 Omicron sub variant. It was an unforgettable experience. The only escape from the illness induced malaise and extreme weakness was our little garden. So I thought I would give my friends a pictorial tour of my garden through 2022.

Nature loving family

Both me and my hubby love nature. I have been gardening for the last 7 years everywhere that I have stayed. Hubby has grown up seeing the MIL growing all kinds of vegetables in her kitchen garden. So it was no surprise that our home balcony became our green paradise

My plant babies have pulled me through some of the most difficult moments of my life. I owe a lot to them.

My first oil pastel sketch of pretty flowers

Garden Tour 2022


I love roses. Looking at them reminds me of how beautiful and full of love the world is . My roses help me to ignore the ugly evilnessss all around us. This is why I grow roses, draw roses, paint roses and dry rose petals.


Sunflowers remind me of all the cheery happiness in the world. They always look at the bright side and I try to emulate them. However horrible the situation, I try to practice the Stoic way of living. As Viktor Frankl has said “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” I always remind myself, however bad the situation, only I can decide how I will feel about it. Nobody else can dictate that.

Mini Sunflower


Zinnia flowers are my namesake. So I obviously love them as a soul twin. I have grown many zinnia plants from seeds and they can instantly cheer me up anywhere I see them.


Bougainvillea’s are hubby’s favourite flowers. So we have three of them in our balcony garden, pink, white and golden.
Hibiscuses in all their glory make us happy by blooming very regularly in our garden. Yellow hibiscus reflect happiness and sunshine and the red ones exude love and passion. Luckily we have both of them blooming away happily.

Chillies in our Garden Tour 2022

In the month of December in 2022,we have successfully grown our first chilies on plants that we have planted from seeds. This is a milestone for us in our gardening journey. Hope this streak as fruits and vegetable gardeners continues through in 2023.

Green chilli that we grew.

So with a lot of hope in my heart I bid adieu to this year full of a mixed bag of emotions. I pray for a greener and fuller garden next year and happiness all around.

This post is part of Blogchatter’s  CauseAChatter.


  1. […] to the special people in our lives. I am grateful for our love of nature which we express through gardening. Even though we have been transient throughout the year, our love for gardening, plants and nature […]

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