Practicing kindness is like a drug. Every act of kindness gives me a highly excited and jubilant feeling. For me, the highest form of kindness is thinking kind thoughts even when I am alone. I try that a lot. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don’t. But my efforts to practice kindness is always there.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted…..Aesop
Kind Soul
Kind Soul

Random Acts of Kindness
And as you would have it, we went round and round the parking lots at the different levels and all of them were full. Finally at the top most level just when we were about to give up, we saw a car driving out. We had already crossed the spot. But luck was on our side. A lady parking attendant helped us reverse our car while making another car which had entered after us wait. She helped us park the car and thanks to her kindness,we could finally enter the mall.
We went up to the foodcourt to have our regular Cuppa from one of our favourite tea joints. While having our tea, Firoze and me started to discuss that how helpful she was. We felt extremely grateful for being

Suddenly, Firoze said, its so hot out there,I am feeling like buying a cool drink and gift it to the lady. I agreed with him. He bought the cool drink and went back to the parking lot to give it to her This incident totally uplifted our heart and made our shopping trip an exceptionally cheerful one!

Kindness is not Weakness
World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day
I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z and this is the K post.
I love being kind, it makes my heart feel full too. I always say please and thank you. In a world full of hate it’s nice to try and spread a little joy.
Random acts of kindness indeed travel around the world just as a smile can! Lovely post!