Lonely in a crowd
“Alone is how she feels, alone is how she’ll always be. You’re used to solitude, she tells herself. Be a stoic.”…..Margaret Atwood

This post is about my journey from being lonely in a crowd to a local guide on google maps.As far back as I remember, I have loved my own company. In my early teens, my idea of a day well spent was one in which I was alone at home, surrounded by my books and some choice snacks! This was usually during the summer holidays, when maa was in office and didi was in college.
Pre-internet days….
This was pre internet and pre social media era. So the ubiquitous distraction of watsap, instagram, facebook, twitter was a thing of science fictions. In those days I was painfully shy as well as extremely introverted. I was an extremely curious cat and was interested about all the mysteries of the world. Books were my universe. I would devour books. As I was never very comfortable around or with people, I always felt as if I am always alone in a crowd.
While growing up,despite all the challenges we faced in our life, I never felt deprived. Somehow I always had the faith that since we were facing such stressors while growing up, we would have a smooth and easy sailing life as adults. But with life experiences, I learnt that is not how things work in life. The ups and downs, the positives and negatives, all of them together make up the juggernaut called life. I gradually learnt to open up to select few people. Trust did not come very easily for me. That still is a big battle that I fight, the struggle to trust. If it is wavered even a tiny bit, the journey back is very tumultuous.
Despite all the struggles and uphill climbs, my trust and faith in my family is unwavering. I now have a loving partner, and very selected few friends, but all of them are rock solid relationships that form the foundation of my little world.
“One person alone is not a full person: we exist in relation to others. I was one person: I risked becoming no person.” …………Margaret Atwood
The transition to Local Guide on Google Maps
With the magnificent phenomenon called fast internet, and the magic of google things began to change slowly but steadily I discovered the avenue of blogging as a way to make my voice be heard without having to physically interact with people. I would always feel the urge to share my finds, the knowledge that I acquire about my passions. This was a deep and urgent desire to help others in my own way.
Local Guide on Google Maps
Google made this urge to help others even more easy to execute with their Local Guide and review system on Google Map. Any café we went to and loved the coffee, the décor, the ambience, I wanted people to know about it and enjoy the same. Shops, malls, services, hotels, resorts name it and I was ready with my review and the photos that I would be clicking away. All of this stemmed from that deep desire to help others in any way possible.
A pleasent surprise was waiting for me on returning from our recent anniversary trip Goa. I received a card and a small gift from Google with the loveliest message that said,
“Thank you for sharing your world and inspiring people everywhere”

This made me happy beyond words. My small gestures and contributions were making a difference. Even if in a small way I have been successful in helping people withy experience. Oh the sweet satisfaction that I felt! It is difficult to express in words. So finally I have found my one little corner in this crowded world, where even with my introverted nature, I could speak out and not feel lonely anymore. It was truly a conundrum. That feeling of not wanting to be around people but at the same time the urge to share my experiences and help. It was a direct conflict of interest. Now with my blogging and my new found role as a Local Guide on google maps, I have found the perfect balance!

Few FAQ’s about Local Guides on Google maps
Do Google Local Guides get paid?
You can’t get paid for being a local guide. Google Local guides is a volunteering program in which you can share your knowledge and experiences about places you visit on Google Maps.
What is the benefit of Local Guide in Google Maps?
As a Local Guide, you earn points when you share reviews, photos, and knowledge about your experiences on Google Maps. Those points lead to higher levels of the program, as well as benefits like early access to Google features and special rewards from partners.
Know more here
This post is part of #BlogchatterA2Z challenge and this is the L– post
This was very interesting to know.Glad you found the perfect balance .
[…] type). Each of the places we visited here had a unique feel to it. Food was amazing. Thanks to Google search and reviews, we could select some amazing places to eat with great reviews. We stayed near Calangute-Candolim […]
[…] an ode to the kindred spirits who make the foundation of my tiny circle of trust and love. Being a loner, I have very select friends and acquaintances with whom I can really be myself. All our life events […]