The first Jodi Picoult book that I remember reading, is My Sister’s Keeper. I don’t remember the exact details of the book since I read it almost 15 years back. But I remember that I loved the writing style. Recently I came across a wonderful book by Jodi Picoult called “Wish You were Here”.

Book Blurb of Wish You were Here by Jodi Picoult
But then the virus hits New York City and Finn breaks the news: the hospital needs him, he has to stay. But you should still go, he insists. And reluctantly, she agrees.
Once she’s in the Galapagos, the world shuts down around her, leaving Diana stranded – albeit in paradise. Completely isolated, with only intermittent news from the outside world, Diana finds herself examining everything that has brought her to this point and wondering if there’s a better way to live.
But not everything is as it seems . . .
Source: Amazon.com
What I liked
Wish you were Here is about the resilience, adaptibility and power of the human mind.
That is the power of her simply expressed but powerful words.
The author has said in her for Author’s note,” Humans mark Tragedy”. We all tend to remember our exact location or what we were doing when a particularly significant event occurs.
This book strikes a chord exactly because of this reason. It is very easy for any of us to imagine exactly what Diana and the other characters of the book are hoing through. This is because very recently we all were in a similar or near similar situation.
During the Covid pandemic induced lockdown, we were all cooped up in our homes, washing our hands like crazy and spending most parts of the day either sanitizing household objects or washing the grocery!!
Takeaway from the book
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I loved it too! And it brougt home the sufferings of the outside world while we were locked in, into glaring perspective.
I enjoy Jodi Picoult’s work. My first Jodi book was also ‘My sister’s keeper’ . I will try this one too, seems interesting.