Gossip: An evolutionary and philosophical take

Gossip: An evolutionary tool

Did you know that gossip is an evolutionary up gradation tool? And here we were always taught from our school days that gossiping is a bad thing!

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I sometimes feel as if I just can’t trust any of the things we have grown up believing in!
In the books “Sapiens”, Yuval Nova Harari has made great arguments in favor of gossiping. Apparently early man started gossiping it as an evolutionary technique. The main purpose was to gather information and not stay behind in the Neanderthal man rat race!

Gossip in combination with being judgmental helped us human beings evolve sometime during the Cognitive Revolution. Before that we were mere mammals in the evolutionary pyramids similar to you may say the mighty whale or the cuddly polar bear. However the practice of discussing about others apparently helped Homo sapiens rule the planet at the top of the food chain.

According to the author the key for survival and reproduction is Social cooperation. In the sense it is not enough for individuals men and women to know the whereabouts of predators like lions and bisons to run away from or hunt. It’s much more significant for them to know who in their band hates whom, who is sleeping with whom, who is honest and who is a cheat!

However remember that it’s important not to get carried away in the gossiping windmill. Toxic gossiping can do more harm than good and also leave a bitter after taste in the mouth. As long as your gossips is not causing moral or physical harm to somebody else’s life, it’s permissible. Because the moment you cross that line, remember Karma forgets no one.

Gossip by definition is benign information-sharing in a conversational context. Thus a conversation or exchange which involves lies or which breaches confidentiality does not count as gossip and is something much more harmful.

Socrates Triple Filter test

So whenever you find yourself struggling whether to gossip or not, try out the Socrates Triple Filter Test. This involves processing the information you are going to exchange through three filters. They are The Truth filter, Value / utility filter and the Good Information filter. The truth filter involves always ask yourself whether the thing that you are about to say is the truth or not. In the sense it should be a verified fact rather than hearsay which you are spreading. The value or utility filter involves asking yourself whether the information you are going to share is of any utility . And the third filter i.e the good information filter involves asking yourself whether what you are going to share is something good or positive.

If the information passes through these three filters then go ahead and talk your heart out with company of your choice.

Prosocial Gossip

Studies have found that the more generous and moral among us are most likely to pass along rumors about untrustworthy people. They do so because they are concerned about helping others. This is called “prosocial gossip” which aims to warn others and has the effect of lowering overall exploitation in groups. The driving factor in most prosocial gossip is concern for others and has positive, social effects.

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So practice this social skill with a high degree of moral responsibility and by utilizing Socrates three filters always. However be careful that you don’t turn into a Quidnunc!

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024

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