Month: October 2020

Cupcakes and Muffins, Desserts, Mental Health, MyFriendAlexa

Eggless semolina cupcake recipe with anecdotes on my life as an introvert

Being an Introvert I have been an introvert throughout my life. As a result of this personality trait I have had very few but truly long term friendships. It was difficult for me to be friends with anybody because I remember from a very early age I did not like to talk with people. But […]

Gardening, Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa

Scenes from my Flower Garden at Jaipur and Kolkata

I have been gardening since 2015. Then it started as a happy escape from troubling times and eventually developed into a hobby for a lifetime.In this post I will share with you a many of my Flower Garden pictures. During our last transfer from Jaipur to Kolkata, I left behind most of my plant babies. […]

Sunset scenes
Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa, Travel

Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Neil Island (Part 3)

Read the first 2 parts of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2 Adieu Havelock After our 2 days of Havelock fun, the next part of our Andaman island vacation was reserved for Neil Island. So early in the morning, after having the buffet […]

Lifestyle, MyFriendAlexa, Travel

Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 2

Read Part 1 of Trip Tales: Andaman Island Vacation-Part 1 Andaman Island adventure-Part 2 We woke up the next day feeling fresh and excited for the rest of our Andaman island adventures. After a quick beach stroll at Corbyn’s Cove, we got ready and had our buffet breakfast. We had to catch our Green Ocean […]

Kalapathar Beach, Neil island
Baked Goodies, MyFriendAlexa, Travel

Trip Tales -Story of our Andaman Island Vacation Part 1

Travel Lust I should proclaim at the very onset that this post is about our Andaman Island vacation adventures. And the jaggery cookie recipe is a short but sweet return gift. It has been exactly one year since our last family vacation. Yes, you heard it right! It seems one whole year has gone by […]

Baked Goodies, Bread, MyFriendAlexa, Savoury

Cheesy Chicken Buns, Google Buns and The Faraway Tree

Enid Blyton Books This recipe for cheesy chicken buns emerged one day when I was reminiscing about books from childhood days. I have very fond memories of the Enid Blyton books which were one of the first English books that I have read. To name a few, the Enchanted Forest series with its Magic Faraway […]