Author: ginia

Book Review

Foodtastic Fables by Varsha Bagadia: A book review

Blogchatter Book review program                 Foodtastic Fables is a collection of food stories and memories ranging from the simple achaar(pickle) to the unusual Zunka Bhakar. The author shares her memories and experiences related to foods from A to Z. This is not your typical recipe or cookbook. It is more of a collection of food […]

Book Review, Lifestyle

Yummy Book Review of Dare Eat That: A Guide to Bizzare Foods From Around the World by Divya Anand

Book Review of Dare Eat That : A Guide to Bizzare Foods From Around the World by Divya Anand.There are foodies who love to eat. And then there are food fanatics who have a single minded passion to eat their way through life one species after another! Dare Eat That: A Guide to Bizzare Foods […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Drinks and Beverages, Healthy Recipes

Smoothie recipes for a healthy start

Smoothie recipes are my favourite. I can have healthy smoothies for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Most of the time I am a major foodie and am obsessed with healthy tasty food. But there are somedays when normal daily life seem to be too cumbersome. As a result of this simple tasks like the three daily […]

Health, Healthy Recipes

Quinoa in Salad

What is Quinoa? Quinoa is a vegan superfood which is an annual seed-producing flowering plant (Chenopodium quinoa) grown as a grain crop. It is a pseudocereal, not a grass, unlike wheat and rice.It is botanically related to spinach. Quinoa seeds are rich in protein, dietary fiber, B vitamins, and dietary minerals in amounts greater than […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Health, Pickles


Jujubes or Chinese date is a fruit which to us Indians is known as “kul” in Bengali, “bogori” in Assamese and “ber” in Hindi. Few days back when I was snacking on a bowlful of rosy tipped ber/kul I suddenly realised I did not know what this fruit is called in English. I immediately launched […]

Baked Goodies, BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Desserts, Drinks and Beverages, Health, Healthy Recipes, Skincare, Ultimatebloggingchallenge

Honey and its Magical benefits

I did not like the smell of honey when I was young. The smell was very strongly medicinal for me and I tried to stay as far away from honey as possible. But when I reached my twenties something changed. I cannot recall the exact incident. It might have been an article or a book […]

BlogchatterA2Zchallenge, Drinks and Beverages, Health, Healthy Recipes, Lifestyle, Ultimatebloggingchallenge

Fenugreek, From seeds to seeds…

Fenugreek or methi as we know it in our part of the world, is one of my favourite kitchen ingredient. It is a herb with an impressive list of health benefits. The leaves can be eaten as vegetables. The seeds can be used in cooking, in pickles and in so many other ways. It is […]